Ratificatioun of Johnne Auchmowties renunciatioun of his richt of the castell of Sanctandrois

Forsamekle as oure soverane lord did dispone the heritable keping of the castell of Sanctandrois, with divers landis, rentis, malis, fermes, canes and customes, furth of his propirtie and patrimonie as the fie of the samyn to umquhile George, erll of Dumbar, at sic tyme as the Archiebischop of Sanctandrois, not being restorit to his dew place and estate, was unable be him self or his deputis to provide for the fauls keping of the said castell, being ane strenth of heich importance to the estate and ane of the keyis of the cuntrie, or to furneis mantinance to these who suld have the trust and charge of the keping thairof; lyke as the said umquhile erll did heritablie annalie and dispone to Johnne Auchinmowtie, ane of the groomes of his majesties bedchalmer, and his aires, the heritable keping of the said castell of Sanctandrois with all landis, rentis, maillis, fermis, caynes, custumes and feis disponit or onywyse belonging to him for keping thairof, to be haldin of the said erll and his airis, be virtew whereof the said Johnne Auchinmowtie obtenit possessioun of the said castell and continewit thairin till of lait that his majestie, willing to restore the said archiebischop and his successouris to the full integritie and possessioun of thair owne richt and to redeme and recover that part of his proper landis, rentis and patrimonie quhilk was assignit as heritable fie for keping of the said castell, did by reall payment of great sowmes of money obtene the said Johnne Auchinmowties ample and lauchfull renunciatioun of the said castell of Sanctandrois in favours and to the behove of the said archibischop and his successours, and of the heritable fie thairof to the effect, proffite and behove of his majestie, his heiris and successouris, as the said Johnne Auchinmowties renunciatioun, dispositioun, band and securitie maid thairanent and registrat in the buikes of counsale upoun the [...] day of [...] at lenth proportis; thairfore the kingis majestie and estates of parliament ratifies, apprevis and perpetuallie confermis the said Johnne Auchinmowties renuciatioun, band and securitie maid be him to his majestie for him selff and to the behove of the said archiebischop, and ordanis the same to tak effect in all tyme cuming, and decernis and declaris the trew and undoubtit right and possessioun of the said castell of Sanctandrois to belong and appertene to the right reverend father in God, George, archiebischop of Sanctandrois and his successours, and the undoubtit right, title and securitie and possessioun of his majesties landis, rentis, maillis, fermis, caynes, custumes and deweties whatsomevir anywyse gevin and disponit to the said umquhile George, erll of Dumbar and his airis as fie for keping of the said castell to appertene and belong to his majestie, his airis and successoures, to remane with thame as thair propirtie and patrimonie in all tyme cuming, notwithstanding any band, contract, infeftment, act of parliament, richt, title or securitie whatsomevir maid or grantit thairanent, or for ratificatioun or coroboratioun of the samyn, quhilk his majestie and estates foirsaidis retreittis, rescindis, casses and annullis, and decernis and declaris the samyn to be now and in all tyme cuming null and of nane avale, force and effect with all that may follow thairupoun.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.13r.