Ratificatioun in favouris of Patrik Mauld of Panmure

Oure soverane lord and estates of this present parliament ratifies and approves the infeftment of the dait the sevint day of Marche ane thowsand, sex hundreth ten yeris, maid and grantit be his hienes to Patrik Mauld of Panmure, ane of the grwmes of his majesties bed chalmer, his airis maill and assignais thairin mentionat, off all and haill the landis and baronye of Panmure, contening all and sindrie the particular townes, landis and utheris at lenth specifeit and contenit in the said charter, togidder with all and sindrie the erectiones, privileges and liberties mentionat and insert in the said charter and infeftment, in all and sindrie pointis, heidis, articles and clauses thairof; and siclyke ratefies and approvis the tak and assedatioun under forme of band and obligatioun of the dait the twentye nynt day of Julii, ane thowsand sex hundreth and sevin yeris, maid and grantit be James, marques of Hammyltoun, as principall, and James, erll of Abircorne, as cautioner for him, to the said Patrik Mauld, his airis and assignais thairin specifeit, off all and haill the teyndschevis of all and haill the landis of Panmure, with partes, pendicles and pertinentis thairof and utheris at lenth mentionat and exprest in the said tak and assedatioun, lyand within the schirefdome of Forfar, for all the dayes, space, yeris and termes of thre lyfrentis and thryse nyntene yeris thairefter, for yeirlie payment of ane certane yeirlie dewtie at lenth specifeit and contenit in the said tak and assedatioun, in all and sindrie pointis, passis, heidis, articles, clauses and circumstances thairof, but prejudice alwayes to Schir David Carnagie of Kynnard, knycht, of quhatsomevir richt competent to him to ony of the landis and utheris contenit in the foirsaid infeftment and abonespecifeit obligatioun, as accordis of the law.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.11v.