Ratificatioun in favours of Schir Jedeon Murray of Elibank, knycht

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies, apprevis and perpetualie confermis the letters of gift grantit be his majestie, with advise and consent of his hienes umquhile richt traist cousing and counselloure George, erll of Dumbar, lord Hwme of Berwick, his hienes thesaurar, and umquhile James Hay of Kingask, knycht, his hienes comptrollair for the tyme, to his majesties trustie and weilbelovit counselloure Schir Jedion Murray of Elibank, knycht, during all the dayes of his lyftyme, off all and haill ane yeirlie pensioun of the sowme of ane thowsand and twa hundreth pundis money of this realme of Scotland, to be payit to him yeirlie at twa termis in the yeir, Witsounday and Martymes in winter, be equall portiones, in maner following, viz: the sowme of sex hundreth pundis owt of the first and reddiest payment of his majesties casualities of the said kingdome be his hienes thesaurar present and being for the tyme, and the sowme of sex hundreth pundis owt of the first and reddiest payment of his hienes proper rent of the said kingdome be his hienes comptrollers present and being for the tyme, as the said letters of gift under the privie seill of the dait at Quhitehall, the twentye day of Februar, the yeir of God ane thowsand sex hundreth and ten yeris, at mair lenth beris, in all and sindre pointis, passes, headis, articles, clauses, conditionis and circumstances quhatsomevir thairin contenit, efter the forme and tennoure thairof, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun. Lykas his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis statutis, decernis and ordanis that the foirsaidis letters of gift, and this present ratificatioun thairof, salbe ane sufficient, lauchfull and valide rycht to the said Schir Jedion Murray for bruiking and joysing of the foirsaid yeirlie pensioun at his pleasoure during the said space of his lyftyme, notwithstanding quhatsomevir actis of parliament, utheris actis, lawis, statutis and constitutionis of this realme maid of befoir, quhairby the foirsaidis lettrez of gift may be quarrellit or impugnit, directlie or indirectlie, in ony tyme heirefter, to the quhilkis actis maid of befoir thir presentis sall mak expres dirogatioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.10r-v.