Ratificatioun in favours of Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Byris, knycht, secretar to his majestie

Oure soverane lord, with advise of the thre estaittis of this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and perpetualie confirmis the charters, preceptis and instrumentis of sesingis of the landis, baronies and utheris efter specifeit, maid and grantit be his hienes to his trustie and weilbelovit counselloure Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Byris, knycht, secretar to his majestie, and to his airis maill and assignais thairin contenit, viz: the charter maid and grantit be his hienes under his majesties great seill of the dispositioun and new donatioun maid and grantit be his majestie to the said Schir Thomas, his airis maill and assignais thairin contenit, off all and sindrie the landis and baronye of the Byris, with the manis, castell, toure, fortalice, maner place, houses, biggingis, orchards, yardis, dowcattis, toftis, croftis, owtseattis, partes, pendicles and all thair pertinentis quhatsomevir, all and haill the landis of Cauldrow with houses, biggingis, yairdis, toftis, croftis, partes, pendicles and all their pertinentis quhatsomevir, all and sindrie the landis and manys of Drem, the landis of Dremhill, the landis of Coittis, the landis of Middilthrid and Coitaikers within Drem, the landis of the Sanynges, the landis of Muretoun, the landis of Mungoiswellis, the landis of Garmeltoun, and landis of Harvestoun, with houses, biggingis, yardis, orchardis, dowcattis, toftis, croftis, owtseattis, partes, pendicles, annexis, connexis, dependents and all thair pertinentis quhatsomevir lyand within the constabularie of Hadingtoun and schirefdome of Edinburgh, togidder with the advocatioun, donatioun and rycht of patronage of the kirk of Hadingtoun, personage and vicarage thairof, and als with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the chaiplainrie callit the Ladie Chaipell of Drem, foundit of auld be umquhile William, lord Lyndesay, and thairefter annext to the chaiplanrie and alterage foundit within the paroche kirk of Sanctandrois at the altar callit the Trinitie Altar, situat within that part of the said paroche kirk callit the Lord Lyndesayes Yle, all unit, annext and incorporat in ane fre baronye callit the barony of the Byris, haldin of his majestie in fre barony, fre blensche and taxt ward respective, as the said charter of the dait at Edinburgh, the sext day of Junii the yeir of God ane thowsand sex hundreth and nyne yeris, at mair lenth proportis, with the precept and instrument of sesing following thairupoun. Item, the charter of dispositioun and new donatioun maid and grantit under his hienes great seill of the dait at Quhitehall, the sext day of Marche the yeir of God ane thowsand sex hundreth and sevin yeris, to the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Byris, knicht, his airis respective and assignais thairin specifeit heritablie, off all and haill the landis and baronye of Bynnie, comprehending in speciall all and sindrie the landis of West Bynnye, with toure place, fortalice, maner place, houses, biggingis, orchards, yardis, mylnis, mylnelandis, multuris and sequelis thairof, coillis, coilhewchis, partes, pendicles, dependents and all thair pertinentis, all and haill ane oxgait of land in Eister Bynnye, sometyme occupeit be Robert Hammyltoun of the Briggis, with tennentis, tenandreis and service of fre tennentis thairof, partes, pendicles and all thair pertinentis quhatsomevir, and that pece land and pece medow contigue adjacent callit the Damflat and Lochhead with all thair privileges and pertinentis quhatsomevir lyand within the territorie of Torthrevin within the baronie of Malvile and schirefdome of Edinburgh, and als all and haill the landis of Tortherfeild with tennentis, tenandreis and service of fre tennentis thairof, lyand within the schirefdome of Edinburgh, contening alsua the kirklandis of Eister Bynnye, Wester Bynnye and Braidlaw, alias callit Middlebynnye, callit the Nunlandis, with tennentis, tenandreis and service of fre tennentis thairof, fewfermis, firmes, yeirlie deweties, partes, pendicles, dependentis and thair pertinentis, and als all and haill the kirklandis of the vicarage of Bynnyngis with thair pendicles and pertinentis, with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the said vicarage of Bynnyngis, and als all and haill the landis of Braidlaw and Hingandsyde, alias Middilbynnyng, with maner place, houses, biggingis, outseattis, yardis, annexis, connexis and thair pertinentis, and siclyke all and sindrie the saidis kirklandis of the vicarage of the said paroche kirk of Bynnye, extending to fouretye aikers of arable land, with thair pertinentis, and all and haill the saidis kirklandis in Middlebynnyng of before pertening to the abbacie and place of Elcoch, extending to foure oxgait of land or thairbye, all unit, annext and incorporat in ane fre baronie callit the baronie of Bynnye, haldin of his majestie and his successouris in fre baronie, fewferme and fre blensche respective, with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun; and siclyk the charter of dispositioun and new donatioun maid and grantit be his hienes under his majesties great seall of the dait at Edinburgh, the secund day of Junii, the yeir of God ane thowsand sex hundreth and sevin yeris, to the said Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Byris, knycht, his airs respective and assignais thairin contenit, of all and sindrie the towne, landis and manys of Drumcroce, with cottages, houses, biggingis, yardis, toftes, croftis, partes, pendicles and thair pertinentis with the cornemylne of Drumcorce, mylnis and multuris, wattergangis, dambnes, houses and all thair pertinentis lyand within the lordschip and schirefdome of Linlythgow, and als all and haill the saidis twa quarters or twa fourt partes of the landis of Northfeild of Drumcroce, commounlie callit Knok and Middlequarter, with partes, pendicles and all thair pertinentis, togidder with fre full power and privilege to delve and wyn peattis and turffis within the Moss of Drumcroce, or ony part thairof, with fre ische and entrie to the same moss with cairtis and wanys to the same for transporting of the samyn peattis and turffis, lyand within the lordschip and schirefdome foirsaid, haldin of his majestie and his successouris in fewfirme, with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun, in all and sindrie headis, articles, clauses, conditiones, passes, provisiones and circumstances mentionat and expressit in the charters and infeftmentis respective foirsaidis and everie ane of thame. And in speciall his majestie and estates foirsaidis ratefeis and approvis the said infeftment of the saidis landis and baronie of Bynnye insafar as the samyn bearis the landis of Wester Bynnye with toure, fortalice, maner place, houses, biggingis, yardis, orchardis, mylnes, mylnelandis, multuris and suckin thairof, coillis, coilheuchis, partes, pendicles and thair pertinentis, the said ane oxgait of land in Eister Bynnye, the said pece land, pece medowland contigue thairto callit the Damflatt and Lochheid, the said land of Orchardfeild with the pertinentis, the saidis landis of Braidlaw and Hingandsyde with thair pertinentis, to be gevin and disponit in fre blensche, quhairas the same held of his hienes be service of ward and releif of before; and findis and declaris that the said conversioun of the halding of the saidis landis was gevin be his hienes for gude and ressonable causes of certane knawlege and proper motive, and that the saidis landis ar and salbe haldin of his hienes in fre blensche for evir; and siclyk ratifies and confirmes the said infeftment of the saidis landis and baronye of Bynnye insafar as the same comprehendis the landis of the kirklandis of Eister Bynnie, Wester Bynnye, Braidlaw, alias Middilbynnye, callit the Nunlandis, with tennentis, tenandreis and service of fre tennentis thairof, fewfirmes, yeirlie rentis, partes, pendicles, dependentis and pertinentis thairof quhatsomevir, and als all and haill the kirklandis of the vicarage of Bynnyrigis with thair pendicles and pertinentis, togidder with all and sindrie the kirklandis of the said vicarage of the said paroche kirk of Bynnye, extending to fouretye aikers of arable land with the pertinentis, and all and haill the landis of Middlebynnye pertening of before to the abbacie and place of Elcoch, extending to foure oxgait of land or thairbye, lyand within the baronye of Bynnye and schirefdome of Linlithgow, togither with the said infeftment of the said towne and landis and manes of Drumeroce, with the mylne, mylnelandis, multuris and pertinentis thairof abonespecifeit, with the saidis twa quarters or twa fourt partes of the saidis landis of the said Northfeild of Drumcors, with the privilegis and pertinentis of the same abonementionat, quhilkis ar ane part of his hienes annext landis and propirtie and ar disponit to be haldin of his hienes in fewferme for payment of the particular few dewetie contenit in the saidis twa infeftmentis, and findis and declaris that the saidis few deweties thairin contenit ar the just auld rentalis of the saidis landis; lykeas his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis of new dissolvis the saidis landis fra his hienes croune and patrimonie thairof, for new infeftment to be gevin to the said Schir Thomas and his airis foirsaidis of the same, and that the remanent landis or maist part of the same ar haldin ward, to be haldin of his hienes in sic sort and maner and for payment of sic yeirlie dewtye as sall pleas his majestie to gif and dispone to the said Schir Thomas and his foirsaidis. Attoure, his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis, considering that a great part of the saidis landis and baronye of Byris pertening heretablie to the said Schir Thomas ar of auld haldin blensche of his hienes and the remanent of the saidis landis or the maist part of the same is haldin ward, and his majestie, being myndfull of the gude, trew and afauld service done to his hienes be the said Schir Thomas, thairfore his hienes, with consent of his estaittis foirsaidis, findis and declaris that the saidis remanent landis of the Byris quhilkis wer haldin in ward and releif of his majestie in tyme bygane, viz: the saidis landis and manys of Drem, Dremhill, Coittis, Middlethrid, Coittaikers within Drem, Sanyngis, Muretoun, Mungoiswallis, Garmeltoun and Harvestoun with thair pertinentis, with the said advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the foirsaid kirk of Hadingtoun and chaplanrie callit the Ladie Chapell of the Drem, and all thair pertinentis, salbe haldin of his hienes and his successours in all tyme cuming in fre blensche for payment of ane pennye. And his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis ordanis ane infeftment to pas in favouris of the said Schir Thomas and his foirsaidis disponing the foirsaidis haill landis and baronye of the Byris and haill particular landis thairof, and als of the saidis landis of Bynnye, viz: of the saidis landis of Wester Bynnye with toure, fortalice, maner place, houses, biggingis, orchardis, yardis, mylnes, mylnelandis, multuris and suckin thairof, coillis, coilheuchis, pertis, pendicles, dependentis and all thair pertinentis, the said ane oxgait of land in Wester Bynnye, with tennentis, tenandreis and service of fre tennentis thairof and all thair pertinentis, the said pece land and pece medow lyand contigue thairto callit Damflat and Lochheid, the saidis landis of Orchardfeild, the saidis landis of Braidlaw and Hingandsyde with thair pertinentis, to be haldin of his hienes and his successours in fre blensche for payment of ane silver pennye; and siclyk disponand to the said Schir Thomas and his foirsaidis the saidis remanent landis of Bynnye, with the saidis landis and mylne of Drumcors abonespecifeit, to be haldin of his hienes in fewfirme for payment of the few dewtyes following, viz: for the saidis landis of Nunlandis of Wester Bynnye, Eister Bynnye and Braidlaw the sowme of twentye twa merkis money of Scotland, and payand the lyke sowme of twentye twa merkis money foirsaid at the entrie of everilkane in name of fewfirme, bye and attoure the fewfirme abonespecifeit; as alsua doing and performyng all uther services and dewiteis contenit in the auld infeftmentis of the saidis landis conforme to the tennoure thairof in all pointis. And for the saidis kirklandis of the said vicarage of Bynnyng, the sowme of foure merkis money foirsaid, and dowbland the said sowme the first yeir of the entrie of ilkane to the saidis landis as use is of fewfirme allanerlie; and alsua gevand yeirlie for the said richt of patronage of the said vicarage of Bynnye ane quhite roise at the feist of Sanct Johnne the Baptist, callit Midsomer, in name of blensche firme allanerlie. And alsua gevand yeirlie for the said towne, landis and manys and mylne of Drumeroce with thair pertinentis the sowme of fyftene pundis, fyftene schillingis usuall money of Scotland pro rata; and for the saidis twa quarters callit the Knok and Middle Quarter with the privileges foirsaidis, the sowme of thre pundis twelf schillingis money foirsaid pro rata and proportionalie in name of fewfirme; and alsua the airis and assignais of the said Schir Thomas dowbland the fewfirme the first yeir of thair entrie to the saidis landis as use is of fewfirme allanerlie; and alsua the said Schir Thomas, his airis and assignais bigand and sustenand upoun the ground of the saidis landis ane suffiicient hall, chalmer and stable and makand uther police corespondent to the ground; and als erectand and unitand the saidis haill landis, alsweill fewlandis as blensche landis abone exprest, in ane haill and fre baronie to be callit in all tyme cuming the baronye of the Byris, and ane seasing to be tane at the toure and fortalice of the Byris to be sufficient for the haill landis abonewrittin. And his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis declaris that the not payment of the saidis fewdewtyes for the space of twa yeris rynnand togither unpayit sall not be ane caus of nullitie or reductioun of the saidis infeftmentis, nor to mak the saidis landis to fall in commissum, bot that allanerlie his hienes, his comptrollers and officiars salhave recourse to the saidis landis, guidis and geare being thairupoun for poinding and distreinyeing for the same for the saidis deweties, and that notwithstanding the act and statute of his hienes parliament maid in the yeir of God ane thowsand fyve hundreth foure score sevintene yeris, to the quhilk this presentis sall mak expres dirogatioun; and ordanis charters and preceptis to pas heirupoun in forme as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/18, f.9r-v.