2Ratificatioun in favouris of the Lord of Loudoun of Killismure

Oure soverane lord, estaittis and haill bodie of this present parliament ratifeis, appreves and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetualie confermis the act of dissolutioun maid in his hienes parliament maid and haldin at the burgh of Perth, the nynt day of Julii the yeir of God jM vjC and sex yeiris, dissolvand all and haill the landis, lordschippis and baroneis of Kylismure and Barmure, with castellis, touris, fortalices, maner places, houses, biggingis, yairdis, orchardis, mylnis, woddis, fischeingis, annexis, connexis etc., lyand within the baillerie of Kylstewart and schirefdome of Air fra the act3 of annexatioun maid at Edinburgh, the tuentie nynt day of Julii the yeir of God jM vjC and sevin yeiris, anent the annexatioun of the temporalitie of all benefices within this realme to the patrimonie of the crowne, and als dissolvand the parochkirk of Machlene, personage and vicarage thairof, lyand as said is, with the haill teyndis, fruittis, rentis, proventis and emolumentis pertening thairto, fra the abbacie or monasterie of Melrose, togidder with the chartour past under his hienes great seall maid and grantit be oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of his hienes trustie counsaillour Maister Johne Prestoun of Penycuk, collectour generall and thesaurar of his hienes new augmentatiounis, to his trest cousing Hew, lord of Lowdown and his airis maillis thairin specefeit, off all and haill the saidis landis, lordschip and baronie of Kylismure and Barmure, with castellis, touris, fortalices, maner places, houses, biggingis, yairdis, orchardis, mylnis, woddis, fischeingis, annexis, connexis, dependences, pairtis, pendiclis, tenentis, tenendreis, service of frie tenents and all and sindrie thair pertinentis lyand within the said baillery of Kyllistewart and schirefdome of Air, with all and sindrie teyndscheves, utheris teyndis, alsweill personage as vicarage, fruittis, rentis, emolumentis and dueteis quhatsumevir of the parochkirk of Machlene lyand as said is, contening alsua ane erectioun of the town of Mauchlene in ane frie burgh of baronie, with the precept and instrument of seasing following upoun the foirsaid chartour, as the samin chartour of the date at Grenwitche, the last day of Junii, the yeir of God jM vjC and aucht yeiris, in the self at mair lenth proportis, in all and sindrie heidis, articlis, clauses, conditiounes and circumstances thairof, with the haill privileges and liberteis thairof thairin exprest; and findis, decernis and declaris that the foirsaidis landis, lordschip and baronie of Kyllismure and Barmure, with the said parochkirk of Machlene, personage and vicarage thairof, and haill fruittis pertening thairto, ar lauchfullie dissolvit fra the said act of annexatioun and abbacie of Melrose be vertue of the said act of dissolutioun maid in the parliament haldin at Perth, the said nynt day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vjC and sex yeiris, and that oure said soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, hes lauchfullie and dewlie gevin, grantit and disponit to the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun and his foirsaidis all and haill the saidis landis, lordschip and baronie of Kyllismure and Barmure, with the foirsaid parochkirk of Machlene, personage and vicarage thairof, with the haill fruittis pertening thairto in maner exprest in the foirsaid chartour, and that the act of dissolutioun maid in this past parliament to and in favouris of Johne, vicount of Hadingtoun, dissolvand the lordschip of Melrose with sindrie utheris lordschippis, landis, baroneis and kirkis of auld pertening to the said abbacie and monasterie of Melrose fra the said abbacie of Melrose and act of annexatioun with the infeftment alreadie maid or to be maid to the said Vicount of Hadingtoun, is nor sall be nawayes hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the said new Lord of Lowdoun, nor his foirsaidis, nor to the richtis and heretable infeftment maid and grantit to him be oure said soverane lord in maner befoir rehersit of the landis, lordschip and baronie of Kylismure and Barmure, paroch of Machlene, personage and vicarage thairof, nor na pairt of the samin, and that the said act of dissolutioun maid in favouris of the said Johne, vicount of Hadingtoun, is not extendit to the saidis landis, lordschip and baronie of Killismure and Barmure, parochkirk of Machlene, personage and vicarage thairof, nor to na pert of the samin, nather yit comprehendit thairin; lykas oure said soverane and estaittis foirsaidis willis and grantis that this generall ratificatioun is and sall be of als great force, strenth and effect to the said Hew, lord of Lowdown and his foirsaidis as gif the foirsaid act of dissolutioun maid in the parliament haldin at the said burgh of Perth, with the foirsaid chartour maid conforme thairto of the datis respective above writtin, with the precept and instrument of seasing following upoun the said chartour, wer at lenth word be word ingrossit heirin; quhairanent oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis for now and evir be thir presentis dispenses.4

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.56v-57r.
  2. '52' written in margin beside heading.
  3. In superscript, replacing an illegible deleted word.
  4. A new hand starts at NAS, PA2/17, f.57r and continues up to and including f.60v.