Act in favouris of Schir Robert Melvill anent the discharge of the few duetie of Murdocarny

Forsamekill as oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that his majestie, upoun great respectis moveing his hienes, of certane knawlege and propir motive, hes frelie exonerit and dischargeit his trustie and weill belovit counsailloris Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarnie, knycht, Schir Robert Melvill of Bruntyland, knycht, his sone, and Dame Jeane Hammyltoun, lady Ross, his spous, and langest levar of thame thrie, of all payment of thair fermes, caynis, customes and dueteis contenit in thair infeftment of fewferme of thair landis of Murdocarny, quhilk is ane pert of his majesteis propirtie lyand in the schirefdome of Fyf, and that of all yeiris, croppis and termes alsweill bipast as to cum during the langest levar of thame thrie as the said discharge under insert beiris, thairfoir oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament hes ratefeit, approvin and confermit and be thir presentis ratifeis, appreves and confermis the foirsaid exoneratioun and discharge in all and sindrie heidis, clauses, pointis, articlis and conditionis thairof, eftir the forme and tennoure of the samin in all pointis, off the quhilk discharge the tennoure followes:

James R[ex]. We, remembering the gude, trew and thankfull service done to ws continewallie sen oure infancie be oure trustie and weilbelovit counsaillouris Schir Robert Melvill of Murdocarnie, knycht, and Schir Robert Melvill of Bruntyland, knycht, his sone, albeit as yit not dewlie recompansit, thairfoir to gif thame the better occasioun to continew in thair said faithfull service, we, of certane knawlege and propir motive, for ws and oure saidis successouris, have exonerit and frelie dischargeit and, be the tennoure heirof, exoneris and frelie discharges the saidis Schir Robert and Schir Robert, his sone, and Dame Jeane Hammyltoun, lady Ross, spous to the said Schir Robert, younger, and the langest levar of thame thrie during thair lyfetymes, off all payment of thair fermes, caynis, customes and dueteis contenit in thair infeftmentis of fewferme of thair landis of Murdocarnie, with thair pertinentis, quhilk is ane pairt of oure propirtie lyand in oure said schirefdome of Fyff, and that of all yeiris, croppis and termes, alsweill bipast as of all yeiris, croppis and termes to cum, during thair lyfetymes and langest levar of thame thrie as said is, dischargeing oure comptrolleris, chalmerlannis and factouris present and that salhappin to be for the tyme of all asking, craveing, ressaveing, chargeing, trubling or perseweing of the saidis Schir Robert and Schir Robert, his sone, or the said Dame Jeane, his spous, or ony of thame during thair lyfetymes, for the payment of thair saidis fermes, caynes, customes and dueteis of the foirsaidis landis or ony pairt thairof in tyme cumming, or poinding or intrommeting with thair gudis and geir thairfoir and of thair offices in that pairt for evir; and lykwyes commanding the lordis of oure chekker to defais and allow the fermes, caynis and dueteis of the foirsaidis landis to oure saidis comtrolleris, chalmerlanis and factouris in the first end of thair comptis during the space foirsaid; quhairanent thir presentis shall be thair warrand anis schawin upoun compt and registrat in the rollis as use is. Subscryvit with oure hand at Wair, the tuentie day of Februar, the yeir of God jM vjC and fyve yeiris.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.56r-v.