2Act in favouris of Maister Johne Layng anent the signet

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considering that upoun the sevintene day of Marche jM vC fourscoir sextene yeiris oure soverane lord, with advise and consent of the lordis of his hienes secrete counsaill and exchekker, and als of his majesteis secretar then for the tyme, by vertue of his dimissioun be his majesteis speciall lettres under the privie seall, gaif, grantit and disponit to his heighnes lovitt Maister Johne Layng, keiper of his majesteis signet, during all the dayes of his lyfetyme, all and haill that pairt of the office of the secretarie safar as may be extendit to the keiping and custodie of his majesteis signetis great and small (exceptand the court signet ordinarlie useit to all suche thingis whilk pas the counsaill tabill), togidder with all and sindrie feis, proffeittis, commoditeis, privileges, fredomes, liberteis, immuniteis and utheris dueteis quhatsumevir pertenyng or onywaves richteouslie knawin to pertene thairto, to be peciablie bruikit, joisit and useit be him during all the dayes of his lyfetyme, as the saidis lettres of gift and dispositioun maid and grantit to the said Maister Johne Layng thairupoun at mair lenth beiris; thairfoir oure soverane lord, with consent of his majesteis present secretarie and haill estaittis of this present parliament, ratefeis and approves the foirsaidis lettres of gift and dispositioun with all decreittis and sentences quhatsumevir gevin and pronuncit in favouris of the said Maister Johne Layng for bruiking, joising, useing and possessing of the said office, with all feis, commoditeis, privileges and utheris dueteis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging thairto eftir the forme and tennoure thairof in all pointis, and decernis and declaris the samin to be sufficient richtis, titillis and securiteis to the said Maister Johne for bruiking, useing and possessing of the saidis offices, in keiping of the saidis signettis (except the court signet foirsaid) without ony questioun, truble, querrell, stop, lett or impediment quhatsumevir to be maid to him in ony tyme cumming thairin. And als oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis be thir presentis declaris that in all tyme heireftir the keiping of the saidis signettis shall be at the dispositioun of his majesteis secretarie present and to come, as a perticular pendicle of the said office of secretarie, undisponable in ony sorte and unseperable thairfra, and that this present ratificatioun of the said Maister Johne his gift during his lyfetyme shall be na prejudice thairto.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.51r-v.
  2. '36' written in margin beside heading.