2Ratificatioun in favouris of Johne Murray of Dundranan

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considering the lang and gude service done to his majestie be Johne Murray of Dumdrenane, ane of the gromes of his majesteis bed chalmer, ratefeis and appreves ane infeftment of erectioun and incorporatioun to the said Johne, beirand and comprehendand all and haill the maner place of auld callit the abbacie of Dundrenane, with touris, fortalices, houses, biggingis, yairdis, orchardis, grenis, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis of the samin lyand within the precinct of the said monasterie, and divers and sindrie otheris landis, baroneis, mylnis, woddes, fischeingis, annuelrentis, fewfermes, caynis, customes, casualiteis, tennentis, tennandreis, serrvice of frie tennentis, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis whilkis of auld pertenit to the said abbacie of Dundrenane as pairt of temporalitie, patrimonie and propirtie of the samyn; and als comprehendand the teyndis, baith great and small, of all and sindrie the paroch kirkis of Dundrenane, alias Rirek, and Kirkmabrek, whilkis of befoir pertenit to the sad abbacie of Dumdrenane, togidder with the fruittis, teyndis, baith great and small, personage and vicarage, of the paroch kirkis of Reidkirk and Gratnay, to the whilk paroch kirk of Gratnay the said kirk of Reidkirk, fruittis, rentis and emolumentis thairof, with the manse and gleib of the samen, ar annexit, unite and incorporat, contening ane express unioun of the haill landis, kirkis, teyndis, proffeittis and emolumentis contenit in the said infeftment, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said infeftment off the date at Whythall, the fyft day of Marche jM vjC and nyne yeiris; whilk infeftment, with the haill dispositionis, provisiones, erectionis and incorporationis, and specialie the unioun and conjunctioun of the kirkis of Reidkirk and Gratnay, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis willis, grantis and declaris to be ane valide and sufficient infeftment to the said Johne and his airis mentionat thairintill, notwithstanding of ony act, statute or ordinance maid or to be maid in parliament or utherwayes heireftir that onywayes may prejudge the samin wheirwith his majestie and estaittis dispenses be thir presentis for now and evir; and decernis and declares that in all tyme cumming the memorie of the kirk of Reidkirk sall be extinct and that the sadis parochineris of Reidkirk and Gratnay sall be conjunct in ane parochin, and the kirk to be callit in all tyme cummyng the kirk of Gratnay.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.49r.
  2. '30' written in margin beside heading.