2Act in favouris of James Maxwell anent the debaitable landis

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considering that all and sindrie the landis perticularlie underwrittin, lyand foiranent the bordouris of England, viz: the landis of Tarrasfute, Monibihirst, Brownischeilhill, Quhitlisyd, Bankheid, Meirburne, Harlaw and Harlawwod, with the pertinentis, Rowaneburne, Wodheid, Tornequhattis, Wabredhillis, with the pertinentis, the landis of Barresknowes, Wodhousleyis, Holhous, Tarkune, Brounischilburne, Auchinrissok, with the manerplace, houses, biggingis, orchardis, yairdis, with the mylnis and multuris thairof, woddis, fischeingis, annexis, connexis and haill pertinentis of the samin, all lyand within the parochin of Cannabie, and the landis of Glenyart, Mortoun and Barnegleishe, with the maner place, houses, biggingis, woddis, fischeingis, mylnis, multuris and thair pertinentis lyand within the parochin of Mertoun, whilkis haill landis foirsaid, with the pertinentis, ar limitat and boundit as followes: to wit, beginnand at the watter of Tarress rynnand in Aisk at the Brommeholme upe the watter of Tarress and upe the Parterburne, and fra that to Tynnischill and doun the Meirburne to the watter of Litchell, and downe Litchell to Rowaneburne and Thorter Ingreis yeattis by the fute of Magilwod, and than to the fute of Nather Thornequhatburne, rynnand in east by the heid of Knottieholme, the landis of Wodhousleyis and Mortoun, bounding with Scottis dyke, marcheand alsweill with the watter of Ask as with the watter of Sark, and upe Sark to the marche of Auchinbedrig, and fra thyne up Barnegleyis to the Righeidis, and fra thyne down Irving burne to Ask and down Ask to the fute of Holhous, to the marches of Bowholme, wer evir haldin and repute debaitable landis betuix the tua nationis of Scotland and England, lykas the possessouris thairof wer nawayes answerable to his hienes lawes, bot bruiked the saidis landis without ony acknawledgeing of his heighnes or his predecessouris at ony tyme preceding his majesteis happie attending to the crowne of England, since the whilk tyme his heighnes, by his royall authoritie and princelie care, hes pacefeit the saidis bordouris and reduceit the samin to his obedience. And albeit that na persone justlie can pretend right to the saidis landis bot these wha hes lauchfull and sufficient dispositionis maid to them be his heighnes and his predecessouris of the foirnameit landis per expressum, nochttheless divers persones hes intrused them selffis in the possessioun of ane great pairt of the saidis landis, mynding to appropriat the samyn to them selffis be thair unlauefull and injust possessioun under pretext that the samin ar pairt and pertinentis of otheris thair landis pertening to tham heretablie, whilk wer ane great prejudice to his majestie; thairfoir his heighnes and estaittis foirsaidis statutes and ordanis that na persone whatsomevir shall be hard to clame richt to the foirsaidis particular landis or any of them except the samyn be per expressum et nominatim disponed to thame or thair predecessouris be his heighnes or his predecessouris, and specialie contenit in their or thair authouris infeftmentis of the samin, and that nane of the saidis landis particularlie abone expressed shall be comptit pairtis and pertinentis ather amonges them selffis or of quhatsumevir otheris landis or baronie gif the samin be not particularlie and nominatim expressed and contenit in the infeftmentis and richtis maid thairupoun, or ellis that the persones clameand richt to the foirsaidis landis or ony pairt thairof wer be them selffis or thair predecessouris in possessioun of the samyn landis befoir his majesteis passage to England.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.48r-v.
  2. '28' written in margin beside heading.