2Act anent the kirk of Carmylie

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the estaittis of parliament, ratifeis and approves the erectioun of the kirk of Carmylie in ane parochkirk conforme to the actis of the kirk maid thairanent; lykas his heighnes, by advyse foirsaid, of new erectis the said kirk in ane parochkirk, and ordanis the samin to jois and bruik all the priviledges and commoditeis richteoslie belanging to ane parochkirk be the law and consuetude of this kingdome, and the territorie to be designed thairto be the presbiterie of Aberbrothok, to repair and resorte thairto in all tyme cumming, but prejudice the lord Marquess of Hammyltoun forder nor is contenit in his erectioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.47v.
  2. '26' written in margin beside heading.