2Act ordening letteris of hornyng to be direct upoun admirallis decreittis

Forsamekle as be the act of parliament maid at Perth in the moneth of Julii 1606, it was then statute and ordanit in all tyme commyng that all decreittis gevin be shireffis, commissaris, bailleis of regaliteis, bailleis of bailleries and stewartreis, should pas and have executioun of horning upoun ten dayes warning, as at mair lenth is contened in the said act, wheirin their wes the tyme of the passing theirof omitted and not expressed thairin the decreittis to be gevin by the admirall of this realme and his deputtis, whilk being a soverane judicatorie in it self and of its awin nature importing summar executioun, oure soverane lord and estaittis presentlie convened, in consideratioun that the insufficiencie, corruptioun and defectis whilkis wer in the deputtis and memberis of these courtis in former tymes, and wheirby these judicatoreis wer thocht not worthie of that favour is now helpit and weill amendit by the planting of hable, worthie and sufficient men in their places, hes inacted, statute and ordanit that siclyk executioun of horning pas upoun all decreittis to be gevin be the said great admirall and his deputtis in tyme commyng as upoun ony of the saidis schireffis, commissaris or other inferiour judges decreittis conforme to the said act of parliament maid theiranent of befoir.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.46v.
  2. '22' written in margin beside heading.