2Act of the apparels of judges, magistrattis and kirkmen

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, finding by daylie experiences that the greatnes of his majesteis empyre, magnificence of his courte, fame of his wisdome and justice and of the civilitie of his subjectis hes begun alreadie to allure divers forane princes and utheris strangeris of all estaittis to mak mair frequent repair to his countrey nor evir they did in ony preceding age, whilk resorte of strangeris will by all apperance baith continew and daylie mair and mair incresce, and by them na doubt reporte will go throwch all the warld of the estait and governament of the kingdome according to the ordour whilk they sall sie observed within the samyn, whereof the rulis and good example flowing frome the estaittis of parliament and magistratis to the haill remanent subjectis of the realme it is maist necessar that sic gravitie and comelenes be used by the lordis and comissionaris of parliament and otheris magistratis in thair apparell and behaviour as may best deserve the gude reporte and trew commendatioun of all princes, nobill men and otheris strangeris quha sall have occasioun to sie and relate the samin, the respect whereof haveing inducit his majestie to prescryve to the nobilitie apparrell for the parliament becoming thair honorable estate; and understanding that the remanent memberis of that heich courte have not reformed them selffis to the lyk conveniencie, neather yit that the course intended by his majestie for dischargeing nobilmen and gentilmen to be electit provestis and magistratis of burrowes (whereof nane sould be capable bot burgeses, actuall traffikeres and inhabitantis of the saidis burrowes) hes tane sic effect, as is maist necessar for preservatioun of the liberteis and good estait of the saidis burrowes and hindering the dissipatioun of there commoun good and perverting of thair privileges, for remede wheirof his majestie, with advyse of the estaitis of his heighnes parliament, statutis and ordanis that na man sall in ony tyme comyng be capable of provestrie or magistracie within ony burgh of this realme, nor to be electit to ony of the saidis offices within a burgh, bot mercheandis and actuall traffikeris inhabiting within the saidis burghis alanerlie and na otheris, and that the saidis magistrattis of burrowes to be heireftir elected and thair comissionaris of parliament shall have and wear at parliamentis, conventionis and other solemne tymes and metingis when the dignitie shall require it sic comelie and decent apparrell as his majestie shall prescryve convenient for thair rank and estait, whereby they may be decerned frome other commoun burgeses and be mair reverenced be the people subject to thair charge. And becaus a comelie, decent and ordourlie habite and apparrell in the judges of the land is not onlie ane ornament to them selffis (being a badge and mark for distinguisheing them frome the vulgar sorte), bot the samin alsua breidis in commoun people that reverence and regaird that is dew and propir for men in these places, and this being a custome universalie observed almaist throw all Europe, the want wheirof is greatlie censured by strangeris resorting in these places, the saidis estaittis thairfoir upoun infinite proves they have of his majesteis maist singular wisdome in all his directionis and of his gratious lowe and affectioun to this his native kingdome, have in all humilitie referrit to his heighnes awin appointment the assigning of ony sic severall sorte of habite and vestiment as sall be in his majesties judgement maist meit and propir alsweill for the lordis of sessioun, being the supreme judges in civill actionis, as for all otheris inferior judges of the lyk causes, as alsua for the criminall and ecclesiasticall judges and for advocattis, laweris and all otheris living by law and practique thairof, that sa everie ane of these people may be knawin and dignosced in thair place, calling and functioun and may be accordinglie regarded and respectit. Attoure, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, considering what slander and contempt hes arissin to the ecclesiasticall estait of this kingdome by the occasioun of the licht and undecent apparrell used by some of that professioun and cheiflie these haveing voit in parliament, it is therefoir statute that everie preacher of Goddis word shall heireftir wear blak, grave and comelie apparrell besemyng men of their estait and conditioun, as lykwayes that all prioris, abbottis and prelattis haveing voit in parliament, and specialie bischoppis, shall weare grave and decent apparrell aggreable to thair functioun, and as appertenis men of thair rank, dignitie and place. And becaus the haill estaittis humelie and thankfullie acknawleges that God of his great mercie hes maid the people and subjectis of this countrey sa happie as to have a king regne over ws wha is maist godlie, wyse and religious, haiteing all erronious and vane superstitioun, just of governament and of lang experience, thairin knawing better then ony king leving what appertenis and is convenient for everie estait in thair behavior and duetie, theirfoir it is aggreid and consentit by the said estaittis that what ordour sa evir his majestie in his great wisdome shall think meit to prescryve for the apparrell of kirkmen aggreable to thair estait and moyen, the samin being sent in wrytt by his majestie to his clerk of register, shall be a sufficient warrand to him for inserting thairof in the buiks of parliament, to have the strenth and effect of ane act thairof, with executorialis of horning to be direct thairupoun aganis sic persones as within the space of fourtie dayes eftir the publicatioun and intimatioun to thame of the said act or charges used aganis them thairupoun shall not provyde them selffis of the apparrell to be appointit by his majestie for men of their vocatioun and estait, to be used and worne by them and thair successouris at the tymes and in maner to be expressed in the said act to be maid by his highnes thereanent.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.42v-43v.
  2. '15' written in margin beside heading.