Anent excommunicantis

And wheras thair is divers personis who ar excommunicat for not conformeing thame selfis to the trew religioun presentlie profest, and do notwithstanding still injoy the possessioun of thair landis, rentis and leveing, authir directlie in thair awne personis or covertlie in the personis of thair freindis and weele willeris, to thair use and behuife, to the incouraging of thame to persist in thair pernicious and erronyous opinionis, and to the frustrating of the executioun of the actis and constitutionis maid aganis excommunicantis heirtofoir; thairfore it is declairit, statute and ordanit by authoritie and consent of this present conventioun that no personis quhatsumevir who ar alreddy or heirefter salhappin to be excommunicat for not conformeing thame selffis to the religioun presentlie profest within this kingdome, salbe sufferit auther directlie in thair awne personis or covertlie and indirectlie by ony utheris in thair names and to thair behuif injoy the possessioun of thair landis, rentis and revenewis, bot that the same salbe mellit with, intrometit with and upliftit to his majesteis use.

  1. NAS, PC1/24, 378-379.