Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Alexander Craig of his pensioun of sex hundreth merkis

21. Oure soverane lord, upoun consideratioun of the gude, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes by his servitour Maister Alexander Craig, and to inhable his faithfull continuance thairin, with consent and advyse of the estaittis of this present parliament, hath ratefeit, approvin and confermed and, by the tennoure of this present act, ratefeis, appreves and confermes ane yeirlie pensioun of sex2 hundreth merkis money of Scotland to be yeirlie upliftit by him during all the dayes of his lyfetyme furth of the reddiest and best casualiteis due and propir to his majesteis thesaurar, present and to come, of the said kingdome of Scotland, as at lenth is contenit in his gift of pensioun of the date at Whythall, the nynt day of December the yeir of God jM vjC and fyve yeiris, grantit by oure soverane lord with advyse and consent of George, erle of Dunbar, lord Home and Berwick, great thesaurar of Scotland; and with advyse and consent foirsaid, decernis and ordanis the said gift of pensioun to have full strenth and effect in all tymes cumming in all and sindrie heidis, clauses and circumstances thairof, notwithstanding whatsumevir other act of parliament or law civill, canoun or municipall, which may in ony sorte prejudge; and decernis and declaris that the said gift of pensioun sall be a sufficient richt and titill to the said Maister Alexander for uplifting the said yearlie fie and pensioun during his lyfetyme as said is, so that frome hence furth no generall nor particular discharges shall be poverfull to prevaill3 aganis the said Maister Alexanderis pensioun during his lyffe; and with consent foirsaid ordanis lettres to be directit heirupon on ane single charge of ten dayes alanerly, als oft as neid beis.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.17r.
  2. 'fyve' was originally written, but scored out and replaced with 'sex'.
  3. 'prevaill' repeated.