Act in favouris of James Durhame anent the change of ane gaitte

20. Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considering the great skaith that James Durhame of Pittarro, his majesteis domestick servitour, sustenit in the distroying of his policie and parkis, cutting of his treis and breking of his closeris within the precinct of his said duelling place, by the neirnes and vicinitie of the kingis passing throw the samin; for remede quhairof, his majestie grantit his express licence to the said James to alter and deturne a litill the said way to the mair commodious and better travelling for the lieges, and without prejudice of ony nighbour and preservatioun of his policie; lyk as his majesteis subjectis thir fyve yeiris bygane hes bene better servit be the said way, and na man grevit nor plenteous of the samin, and he frie of thair skaith, thairfoir our said soverane lord and the saidis estaittis of parliament ratefeis and appreves the change of the said hie way insafar as concernis his majesteis interes, and declaris that the said James, his airis nor assignais shall not incurre ony danger of purprusioun or ony uther penaltie of the law that may follow or strik upoun these that makis ony change or alteratioun of his majesteis hichwayes; and ordanis all the lieges to hant, use and repair that way as the ordinar kingis way in all tyme 2cumming, provyding the samin new hie way be maid als commodious in all respectis to the lieges as the foirsaid auld passage. And Maister Alexander Wedderburne, commissionar for the burgh of Dundie, protestit that this present act anent the change of the said hie gait prejudge not the said burgh of Dundie and inhabitantis thairof anent thair gaittis and passage to thair mylnis quhairunto they wer in use to pass.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.16v-17r.
  2. Illegible marginalia.