Act in favouris of the clerk of register anent the prenting of the book callit Regiam Majestatem

16. Forsamekill as be diverse actis of parliament it wes statute and ordanit that all our soverane lordis liegis of this his hienes realme of Scotland live and be governit under the lawes and statutis of this realme alanerlie and be na uther lawes, and seing the auld lawes of this realme befoir the dayes of King James the First wer almaist perischeit and not extant, and sua mony of thame as wer extant wer writtin in paperis and wer altogidder uncorrect, thairfoir the estaittis of parliament at diverse tymes committit thair full power to sindrie persones, to advyse, treat and commoun anent the reductioun of the saidis lawes, callit Regiam Majestatem, and all utheris actis, statutis and bookis to be put in ane volume, and to be authorizit as the saidis actis at mair lenth proportis. And seing Schir Johne Skene of Curryhill, knycht, clerk of register, conforme to the saidis actis and ordinances at command of oure said soverane lord and estaittis of parliament hes, be his great travellis, paynis and expenses, visitit, correctit, mendit and reduceit in ane volum the saidis auld lawes of this realme befoir the dayes of King James the First, the quhilk volum contenand Regiam Majestatem and utheris lawes, the said clerk of register hes presentit befoir the haill estaittis of this present parliament, whilk they have considerit and hes allowit thairof as memorable and worthie actis to be prentit, wherewith and be the actis of parliament maid sensyne the haill liegis of this realme sall be judgeit, reulit and governit; thairfoir, the haill estaites of this present parliament statutis and ordinis the foirsaid volum and book contenand the saidis auld lawes of this realme now writtin, correctit and put in forme be the said clerk of register to be prentit authentiklie for the weill of the haill judges, persones and subjectis of this realme; and becaus thair will be great expenses warit in prenting thairof by ane, attour the great panis, travellis and expenses maid thairupoun alreadie be the said clerk of register, for defraying of the whilkis expenses the saidis estaittis of this present parliament hes allowit and grantit to the said clerk of register the sowme of [...] usuale money of this realme to be payit be the schireffis, bailleis, stewartis, barones and utheris judges of this realme, alsweill of royaltie as regalitie, and be the prelattis, erlis, lordis and burrowes of this realme; and to the effect that the foirsaid sowme may be contribute amongis the foirsaidis persounes and the mair thankfully payit to the said clerk of register for the greater expeditioun of the prenting of the foirsaidis auld lawes and statutis, hes gevin and grantit full power and commissioun to Alexander, erle of Dunfermeling, chancellar of this realme, Mark, erle of Louthiane, Patrik, erle of Kinghorne, James, lord of Balmirrenoch, secretare and president of the college of justice, Maister Alexander Dowglas, bischop of Murray, Maister Alexander Forbes, bischop of Cathnes, Maister Williame Melvill, commendatar of Toungland, Johne, lord Halyrudhous, Schir James Scrymgeour of Dudop, Schir Johne Cokburne of Ormestoun and the laird of Dunypace, George Hereott, goldsmyth, burges of Edinburgh, George Bruce, burges of Culross, and Johne Lockhart, burges of Air, or to ony fyve of thame, to sett doun ane stent roll amongis the foirsaidis persones wha suld pay the foirsaid sowme to the said clerk of register in maner foirsaid, and to divyd the samin sowmes amongis thame as they sall think expedient; and what evir the saidis persones, or ony fyve of thame, does in the premises, the saidis estaittis, now as than and than as now, declaris to be als lauchfull and sufficient as gif the samin had bene concludit, statute and ordanit in this present parliament, and that lettres be direct upoun ane simple charge of sex dayes be delyverance of the lordis of sessioun for payment of the foirsaidis sowmes, as the foirsaidis persones sall sett doun the samin be thair stent, and that na suspensioun be grantit in favouris of whatsumevir persone or persones except be the lordis chancellar, president, collectour and advocatt or ony twa of thame.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.10v-11r.