Act anent the burgh of Stenhyve in the Mernis

10. Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratefeis and appreves the act maid of befoir in his hienes parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the [...] day of November jM vjC yeiris, quhairof the tennoure followes: Oure soverane lord and estaitis of this present parliament, understanding the great prejudice sustenit be the liegis of this realme where the judgement seattis of schireffis and utheris judges ar not sa commodious nather in bigging nor situatioun as the schireff, utheris judges and their deputes may convenientlie sitt nor the pairteis may resorte thairto, and specialie that the schireff of the Mernis, alias Kincardin, and his deputtis hes bene in use thir mony yeiris to sitt at Kincardin where thair is nather ane tolbuth nor ony house to pairteis to ludge into for thair intertenement, nor yit is the place in the middis of the schyre, wheirby the lieges of the said schirefdome ar greatumlie damnyfeit; for remede quhairof, it is statute and ordanit that the schireff of the schirefdome of Kincardin in all tyme to cum shall sitt and hald thair courtis at the Stenhyve, as place maist meitt and convenient to thame and to the haill lieges within the said schire, and that all preceptis to be direct shall be to warne all pairteis within thair jurisdictioun to compeir, to persew and defend in thair courtis at the said burgh of Steinhyve in all tyme heirefter. And forder, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis decernis, statutis and ordinis the said burgh of Stenhyve and marcat croce thairof to be in all tyme cumming the heidburgh of the said schirefdome of Kincardin, and the marcat croce thairof to be the place at the quhilk all citationis, charges, denunciationis of hornings and utheris quhatsumevir, comprysings be vertue of whatsumevir decreittis, publicationis of inhibitionis, interdictionis and of all utheris charges and executiounis whatsumevir whilkis propirlie belongis and appertenis to be done, useit and execute at the marcat croces of the heidburghis of ony schirefdome within this realme, to be useit and done within the said schirefdome of the Mernis, alias Kincardin, shall be useitt and execute in all tyme cumming; and declairis all citationis, denunciatiounis, publicatiounes, comprysingis and utheris executionis of the lyk nature to be useitt at ony uther place within the said schirefdome of the Mernis nor at the said marcat croce of Stenhyve to be null and of nane nor effect in all tyme cumming.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.8r.