Act anent the chaptour of Sanctandrous

3. Forsamekle as the conventuall brethrene and channonis of the monasterie of Sanctandrous wer the ancient chaptour and counsall of the archibischop thairof, who now ar decayed and few of thame beand on lyfe, lyk as the priorie and fruittis thairof ar to be erected in ane temporall lordschip, and necessar it is that the said archibischope shall have ane constant chaptour, according to the ancient policie of the kirk and fundamentall lawes of this kingdome, thairfoir oure soverane lord, with advise of the estaittis of this present parliament, gevis, grantis and committis full power and commissioun to George, archibischope of Sanctandrous, to elect and nominat sewin qualefeit persones of the clergie at leist duelling and haveing charge and administratioun within his diocie, to be the perpetuall convent, counsaill and chaptour of the said archibischoprik in all tyme cuming, and eftir the deceis or removing of ony ane or ma of thame fra thair present places, the intrant succeding to the said place or charge to succede also in that rowme of the cheptour or convent, and yit nochttheless reserves to the said archibischope and his successouris thair ancient privilege, to wit, that the commoun seall of the said chaptour to be maid of new be thair awin advyse shall serve for thair consentis without thair subscriptiounes. Attoure, it is fundin and decernit that the present commoun seall of the said chaptour, beand appendit to the evidentis or richtis quhatsumevir alredie maid and grantit be the said archibischope, hes bene, and shall be in all tymes cumming, ane sufficient and perfyte consent of the chaptour, and als effectuall for securing of the vassellis and tennentis ressaveris of the saidis richtis as the samin hes bene in ony tyme of befoir, and sua to indure in force for consent of the said chaptour ay and quhill the electioun of the said chaptour and making of the new commoun seall.

  1. NAS, PA2/17, f.6r-v.