Erectioun of the priourie of Pittinweme in favouris of Frederik Stewart

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the estaitis of this present parliament, understanding that the haill temporall landis of all benefices, great and small, within this realme quhilkis pertenit of befoir to bischoppis, abbottis, prioures, freiris, priouresses or utheris ecclesiastick persones, with all and sindrie teyndis, fruittis, rentis, emolumentis, fewfermes and dueteis thairof, wer, be act of parliament maid in the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sewin yeiris, annexit to his hienes crowne to remane thairwith as ane propir pairt of the patrimony thairof perpetualie in tyme cumming, as in the act of annexatioun maid thairanent at mair lenth is contenit; and nochtwithstanding thairof be ane uther act maid in the said parliament anent the dissolutioun of the former act it wes lesum to his majestie to sett all his landis, alsweill nocht annexit as annexit, to ony persone or persones in fewferme and heretage without diminuatioun of the rentall, be vertue quhairof, be ane thrid act maid in his hienes current parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the fyft day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir tuelf yeiris, it wes fundin expedient and his majestie and estaittis consentit that it suld be lesum to his hienes to wedsett and annalie to umquhile Schir Williame Stewart, commendatar of Pittinweme, his airis and assignayis quhatsumevir, all and haill the temporall landis, lordschippis, baroneis, castellis, touris, fortalices, woddis, mylnis, multures, fischeingis, tenentis, tennandreis and service of frie tennentis, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging, or knawin to pertene and belang at ony tyme of befoir, to the priourie of Pittinweme, and to mak and delyver to the said umquhile Schir Williame sic chartouris and infeftmentis as he plesit to devyse for his securitie thairof, redemable alwayes and under reversioun to be maid to his hienes and his succcessouris be the said umquhile Schir Williame and his foirsaidis, contenand the sowme of aucht thowsand merkis usuale money of Scotland, and that nochtwithstanding the foirsaid act of annexatioun or ony uther lawes, actis or statutis maid in the contrair that micht derogat the said infeftment, as the said act of parliament of the date foirsaid at mair lenth proportis; in consideratioun quhairof, his majestie, considering and remembering the gude, trew and thankfull service done to his hienes be his said umquhile trustie and weilbelovit servitour Schir Williame Stewart, comendatar of Pittinweme, in his lyfetyme, alsweill in his majesteis awin particular and honorable affairis as in certane particular negotiationes committit to his charge, tending nocht onlie to his hienes awin particular bot alsua to the publict weill and estait of the haill realme and lieges thairof, and haveing gude hope and expectatioun of the educatioun and gude conversatioun of his hienes lowit Frederik Stewart, sone lauchfull to the said umquhile Schir Williame, and to gif him occasioun to continew and perseveir in the lyk service, his majestie, for the causes foirsaidis and diverse utheris causes, occasiounes and gude consideratiounes moveing his hienes, with express advyse and consent of the saidis estaittis, dissolvis the foirsaid act of annexatioun insafar as the samyn extendis, or may be extendit, to the said priourie of Pittinweme, contening the particular landis, akeris, salt pannis, woddis, mylnis, fischeingis and utheris eftirspecefeit, to wit: the maner place of Pittinweme of auld callit the monasterie of Pittinweme, with all houses, biggingis, yairdis, orchardis and pertinentis of the samyn within the close, precinct or wallis of the said abbay and place thairof, burgh and village of Pittinweme and Anstruther be west the burne, and alsua the landis and akeris of Pittinweme and Anstruther, with the teyndis and teyndscheves thairof includit, the Mylntoun of Pittinweme, with the akeris and teyndscheves thairof includit, the landis callit Fawsyd with the teyndscheves thairof includit, the landis of Grangemure Eister, the landis of Crambrigis with the teyndscheves thairof includit, the landis of Lyngo with the teyndscheves thairof includit, the landis callit the Inche with the teyndscheves thairof includit, the landis callit Pittotter with the teyndscheves thairof includit, the landis of Lochend with the teyndscheves thairof includit, the Ile callit the Ile of Maii, croft of Carrall callit Monkis Croft with the teyndscheves thairof includit, all lyand within the schirefdome of Fyf; the landis and baronie of Eister and Wester Ryndis with the teyndis and teyndscheves thairof includit, the boitt and fischeing upoun the watter of Tay with the teyndfisches includit, lyand within the schirefdome of Perth; the landis of Mayschellis with the teyndscheves thairof includit, the landis of Maisland of Barro with the teyndis and teyndscheves thairof includit, the croft and land of Belhevin with the teyndscheves thairof includit, lyand in the constabularie of Hadingtoun within the schirefdome of Edinburgh; the croft of land in Abirbiothok callit Abirbrothok Croft lyand within the schirefdome of Forfar with the teyndis thairof includit; togidder with coillis and coilheuchis of Pittinweme, salt pannis, kane salt, houses, biggings and biggingis thairof and pertinentis of the samin lyand within the schirefdome of Fyf; and also with the commounes of Pittinweme, mylnis and mylntoun thairof with thair pertinentis, and with the haill teyndis, teyndscheves, utheris fruittis, rentis, dueteis, proffeittis, emolumentis, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of all and sindrie kirkis and parochinnes of Pittinweme laitlie erectit, Anstruther bewest the burne and ruidis, unitit and annexit as partis of the patrimonies of the said abbay; togidder with all and sindrie utheris landis, lordschippis, baroneis, mylnis, fischeingis, woddis, medowes, forrestis, mansiounes, manerplaces, teyndschewes, utheris teyndis, houses, biggingis, yairdis, tenementis of the burghis or villages of Pittinweme and Anstruther be west the burne, with thair pertinentis; togidder with the seatoun and portis thairof, anchorages, customes, privileges, proffeittis, immuniteis and casualiteis quhatsumevir belanging to the said abbacie, or quhilkis at ony tyme bygane pertenit thairto and patrimonie thairof, or quhilkis ony abbottis, commendatares or conventis of the samyn had in possessioun in ony tyme bigane, and quhilkis ar contenit in the chartouris of erectiounes of the saidis townis of Pittinweme and Anstruther be west the burne, with thair pertinentis, in burghis regall, quhilkis his hienes will have as exprest and insert heirin and in the chartour and infeftment to follow heirupoun; and findis and declaris that it is, and sall be, lesum to his majestie to dispone the foirnameit haill landis, lordschippis, baroneis, mylnis, woddis, fischeingis, coillis, coilheuchis, salt pannis, landis, tenementis respective and particularly abone expremit with the teyndscheves and utheris teyndis, fruittis, rentis and dueteis of the said abbacie to the said Frederik, his airis and assignayis, with all and sindrie privileges and immuniteis pertening and belanging thairto, alsweill superiouritie as tenandrie thairof, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the kirkis respective foirsaidis, to remane with him and his foirsaidis heretablie without reversioun or redemptioun for evir, nochtwithstanding the foirsaidis actis or ony of them or ony utheris lawes, actis, statutis or proclamatiounes, speciall or generall, maid or to be maid in the contrair; and siclyk be the tennour of the said act, suppresses and dissolvis the foirsaid benefice with all privileges and immuniteis belanging thairto frome the spirituall estate of ane priourie in ane temporall lordschip and baronie, to be callit the lordschip or baronie of Pittinweme, and to be taxit and stentit in all taxatiounes and impositiounes with the lordis and baronis. And forder his majestie, with advyse foirsaid, unitis, erectis, creatis and incorporatis the samin with all landis, lordschippis, baroneis, woddis, mylnis, fischingis, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis thairof, tennentis, tennandreis and service of frie tenentis of the samin, in ane temporall lordschip and frie baronie, to be callit in all tyme cumming the foirsaid lordschip and baronie of Pittinweme, and that ane seasing now and in all tymes cumming to be takin at the principall place and mansioun of Pittinweme sall stand extend and be sufficient seasing for all and sindrie the landis, lordschippis and utheris respective and particularlie abone expremit, nochtwithstanding that the samyn lyis nocht contigue but dispersit in diverse schireffdomes, quhairanent his majestie, be the tennour of the said act, dispenses. And forder, to the effect this present act and infeftment to follow heirupoun may be the mair better richt and securitie to the said Frederik and his foirsaidis, his majestie, with advyse abone specefeit, retreittis, rescindis, cassis and annullis the foirsaidis actis of annexatioun, act of dissolutioun and act maid anent the dispositioun of the said priourie to the said umquhile Schir Williame under reversioun of the said sowme of aucht thowsand merkis, insafar as the saidis actis, or ony of them respective, extendis, or may be extendit to the hurte and prejudice of thir presentis and infeftment to follow heirupoun alanerlie; and willis and ordinis that the said lordschip, comprehending the particularis thairof abonespecefeit, sall remane with the said Frederik and his foirsaidis heretablie, but reversioun or redemptioun quhatsumevir for evir; quhilk reversioun and redemptioun his hienes, with advyse foirsaid, be the tennour of the said act, renuncis, quitclamis and simpliciter discharges in favouris of the said Frederik and his foirsaidis with full power and speciall libertie to them to impugne, querrell and reduce all and sindrie infeftmentis, chartouris, preceptis, seasingis, takkis, rentallis or utheris richtis and securiteis quhatsumevir, off the landis, lordschippis, baroneis, akeris, houses, salt pannis, woddis, mylnis, medowis, fischeingis, teyndis, fruittis, rentis, emolumentis and dueteis of the said lordschip, maid, sett and grantit to quhatsumevir persone or persones, for the samin ressones and causes quhilkis his hienes or his predecessouris micht have reducit and retretit the samyn, and that als frelie in all respectis as his hienes micht have done be vertue of the said act of annexatioun, or ony utheris may do be vertue of his majesteis gift grantit to them in the lyk caises, with command to his majesteis advocat present and to cum to concur and assist the said Frederik and his foirsaidis in the persute of the saidis reductionis, or ony of them as occasioun sall offer, and siclyk with power to the said Frederik and his foirsaidis to ressave all and sindrie the heretable tennentis and fewaris of quhatsumevir landis, rentis, houses, biggingis, aikers, teyndis or utheris respective and particularlie befoir nameit in the richtis and titillis of thair predecessouris, and the saidis fewaris and tennentis sall hald thair landis and utheris of him and his foirsaidis immediatlie, to quhome also he sall mak and delyver chartouris, infeftmentis or preceptis of seasing, quhilkis his hienes, with advyse foirsaid, declaris sall be als gude, valide and sufficient to the saidis fewaris, tennentis, vassallis and utheris ressaveris thairof as gif they had bene maid and grantit be his majestie, with advyse of his hienes collectour generall, be vertue of the said act of annexatioun; for the quhilkis infeftmentis, richtis and securiteis the saidis tennentis, vassallis and fewaris sall be haldin to pay to the said Frederik and his foirsaidis thair ressonable compositiounes according to the valour of the landis and utheris to the quhilkis they sall be enterit for the tyme. Attoure, oure said soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, hes dispensit and, be the tennour heirof, dispenses with the generall and originall lawes, actis and statutis quhairby express provisioun is maid that his hienes annexit propirtie and annexit temporalitie may nocht be disponit insafar as the samyn may be extendit to the foirsaidis landis and lordschip of Pittinweme, particularlie abonerehersit, to the quhilkis thir presentis sall mak express dirogatioun; and specialie dispenses with that act of parliament maid anent ratificatiounes and dispositiounes maid in parliament contenit in the tua hundreth fourtie thrid article of the fyftene parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the nyntene day of December jM vC fourscoir fyftene yeiris; axceptand alwayes and reserveand furth of this present act and erectioun foirsaid all regaliteis and privileges thairof, gif ony wes pertening to the said priourie and lordschip of Pittinweme, to oure said soverane lord and his successouris, to remane with them for evir; and siclyk exceptand and reserveand furth of this present act of parliament all and sindrie the landis of Grangemuir Wester and all thair pertinentis lyand within the said schirefdome of Fyf, quhairin Maister Williame Scott of Elie is heretablie infeft, conforme to ane speciall act maid in his favouris in this present parliament. Lyk as oure said soverane lord, with advyse of the estaittis foirsaidis, presentlie dissolvis the foirsaid act of annexatioun insafar as the samyn may be extendit to the foirsaidis landis of Grangemure Wester.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.97r-98r.