Erectioun of the abbaceis of Jedburgh and Coldinghame in ane temporall lordschip in favouris of the Erle Home

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, calling to rememberance the gude, trew and memorable service done to his majestie, his realme and liegis be his richt trest cousing Alexander, erle of Home, lord Jedburgh and Dunglas etc., and his predecessouris in all tymes and at all necessar occasiounes bygane, alsweill in tyme of peax as in tyme of warre, and als the great cair, ernest zeill and reddines of the said erle to underly all gude offices and service tending to his hienes honour, great weill and proffeitt of the countrey, nocht onlie in the dischargeing of sindrie ambassages and commissiounes in forane countreyis, bot likwayes in the executioun of diverse commissiounes for quieting of the bordouris of this realme and repressing of all insolence and disordour within the samyn at all occasiounes bigane, upoun his great charges and expenses, in the quhilkis offices the said Alexander, erle of Home dischargeit his duetie maist faithfullie, as is notourlie knawin to his majestie and haill estaittis of this present parliament, quhairupoun sufficient tryell wes tane befoir them and, eftir tryell tane, his majestie and estaittis being of deliberat mynd that the saidis gude offices and services with the great charges sustenit be the said Alexander, erle of Home be in sum measure recompensit, and finding na better meane for the present than that the haill temporall landis and rentis quhilkis pertenit of befoir to the abbacie of Jedburgh and priourie of Cannabie, being ane cell of the said abbacie, and haill temporall landis and rentis quhilkis lykwayes pertenit of befoir to the priourie of Coldinghame and now pertening to his majestie be the actis of annexatioun of the temporall landis and rentis of the saidis benefices to the crowne (except the landis eftir specefeit), togidder with the haill spiritualitie of the kirkis of the saidis abbaceis of Jedburgh, Cannabie and Coldinghame, teyndscheves and utheris teyndis, fruittis, rentis and emolumentis pertenyng and belanging thairto (except the teyndis of the kirkis eftir specefeit), togidder with the2 abbay place, closteris, houses, biggingis, yairdis, orchardis and all thair pertinentis lyand within the precinctis of the saidis places, sall be grantit and disponit be his hienes to the said erle heretablie, he being alredie provydit to the spiritualitie of the saidis benefices, and haveing resignit and dimittit the samyn in his hienes handis to the effect following; thairfoir his majestie, with advyse of the saidis estaitis of parliament, eftir sufficient tryell tane be them in the said parliament of the haill premisses, and that the causes foirsaidis ar sene, ressonable and proffitable causes for the weill of the realme, hes dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis all and sindrie the temporall landis and rentis quhatsumevir pertening of befoir to the saidis benefices of Jedburgh and Coldinghame and the said cell of Cannabie fra the generall act of annexatioun maid of the kirklandis within this realme to his hienes crowne, and fra the speciall act of annexatioun maid of the temporall rentis of the said priourie of Coldinghame to the crowne in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh in the moneth of [...] the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir yeiris, and fra all utheris actis of annexatioun quhatsumevir maid of the temporall rentis of the saidis benefices, or ony of them or ony pairt thairof in ony tyme bygane; and lykwayes hes dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis all and sindrie the parochkirkis pertening to the saidis abbacie of Jedburgh, cell of Cannabie and priourie of Coldinghame, personages and vicarages thairof, with all and sindrie teyndis, fruittis, rentis, proventis, emolumentis and dueteis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging thairto fra the first fundatiounes thairof, quhairupoun the samyn proceidit, with the abbay places, closteris, yairdis, orchardis and all aismentis and commoditeis within the precinctis of the saidis benefices, fra the samyn benefices; and hes supprest and, be thir presentis, suppresses, buryis and extinguisches the names and memorie of the samyn benefices for now and evir, to the effect his majestie, with advyse of his ordinar officeris, may grant and dispone heretablie to the Erle of Home, his airis maile and assignayis, all and sindrie the temporalitie, propirtie and superiouritie with the fewfermes and pertinentis pertening to the saidis benefices be thair names in speciall quhair evir the samyn lyis, with the saidis abbay places, closteris, houses, biggingis, yairdis, orchardis and all thair pertinentis lyand within the precinctis of the saidis places and all thair pertinentis, togidder with the spiritualitie of the saidis benefices, teyndscheves and utheris teyndis, fruittis, rentis and emolumentis pertening and belanging thairto, erectit in ane haill and frie lordschip and baronie, with all privileges, immuniteis and jurisdictioun pertening to ane frie lordschip and baronie, to be callit in all tyme cummyng the lordschip of Coldinghame, haldin of his hienes and his successouris in frie blenche for payment of four hundreth merkis Scottis at the feist of Witsonday in name of blenche ferme alanerlie, and to be lykwayes frie of all payment of all monkis portiounes, first fruittis, fyft penny, thrid and all utheris dueteis quhairunto his majestie, his predecessouris or successouris had, hes or onywayes may have or pretend ony richt in ony tyme cumming be vertew of quhatsumevir law, statute, actis of parliament, counsaill or conventioun quhatsumevir maid, or to be maid, in the contrair, quhilk his hienes, with advyse of the saidis estaittis, for the causes abonespecefeit, renuncis and discharges for now and evir be thir presentis, becaus his majestie and his successouris will be relevit and dischargeit of the sustentatioun of the ministeris serveing the cure at the saidis kirkis; and ordinis the said infeftment to beir and contene provisioun that the said lordschip sall pay all taxatiounes in tyme cummyng with the temporall landis of the realme, comptand the said lordschip to twa hundreth pundland of auld extent, and of new extent to ane sex hundreth pundland, and that the said erle, his airis maill and successouris lordis of the said lordschip sall have thair releif of the saidis taxatiounes of the heretable tennentis of the saidis landis and teyndis eftir the rate and quantitie of thair landis and teyndis sa oft as the said taxatioun sall occur; and lykwayes ane express power to the said erle and his foirsaidis to call for reductioun of quhatsumevir infeftmentis, richtis and titillis of ony pairt of the saidis landis, teyndis and utheris pertening to the said lordschip for quhatsumevir cause competent of the law, exceptand alwayes furth of the said infeftment the kirk of Dummany, quhilk is ane of the kirkis of the said abbacie of Jedburgh pertening now to Schir Thomas Hamyltoun of Bynning, knycht, advocat to oure soverane lord, and sicklyk excepting furth of the said infeftment the landis, kirkis and teyndis respective eftirspecefeit, quhilkis pertenit to the said abbacie of Coldinghame and now pertenis to George, erle of Dunbar etc.: they ar to say, the landis of Lauertoun with the kirk of Lauertoun and teyndis thairof, the landis of Horslie and Grenwod with the teyndis thairof, the landis of Fernysyd with the teyndis thairof, the landis of Flemyngtoun callit Nather Aytoun, Reidhall, Natherbyre, Brounisland and Gunnisgrene, with the mylnis and haill teyndis of the samyn, the landis and maynis of Falscastell or Wester Lumisdane, Dewlaw, Duddoholme, als Cauldsyde, Auldtoun, Newtoun, with the mylnis, fischeingis and haill teyndis of the saidis landis, with the maner place and castell of Falscastell and all thair pertinentis; reservand and exceptand alwayes furth of this present act and erectioun foirsaid all regaliteis and privileges thairof, gif ony be possessit be the abbottis and titularis of the saidis abbaceis and prioureis of befoir, to remane with oure said soverane lord and his hienes successouris for evir in all tyme cummyng. And oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis, now as gif the said infeftment wes alredie past and perfytit, and than as now, hes interponit and interponis thair consent and authoritie thairto as to that deid quhilk is now and sall be heireftir estemit and judgeit for the weill of his hienes and his successouris and sene proffeitt and commoditie of his hienes crowne and this realme.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.96r-97r.
  2. Originally followed by 'haill spiritualitie of the kirkis', but this phrase scored out.