Ratificatioun in favouris of the Laird of Kinnard Carnegie

2Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifeis, apprevis and perpetualie confermis the lettres of gift, donatioun and mortificatioun maid be Alexander, bischop of Brechin, haveing indoubtit richt and titill to all and sindrie the teyndscheves of the landis of Kinnaird, Balnamone, Pentoskell and Over Dalgatie, with the pertinentis, lyand within the parochin of Brechine and schirefdome of Forfar, pertening to him as ane propir pairt of the patrimonie of the said bischoprik; and that with consent of the deane, channones and chaptour of the cathedrall kirk of Brechine, and siclyk be Robert Kynneir, viccar of the parochkirk and parochin of Brechin foirsaid, haveing indoubtit richt and titill to all and sindrie the vicarage and small teyndis of all and haill the samin landis of Kinnard, Balnamone, Pentoskell, Overdalgatie and of the teyndis of Medill Drummes and Grenedene, with thair pertinentis, lyand within the said parochin of Brechin, pertening to the said Robert as ane propir pairt of the patrimonie of the said viccarage, with consent of oure soverane lord as patroun of the samin vicarage and of the bischop, dene, channonis and chapter of the cathedrall kirk thairof; and in lykmaner be Maister Johne Weymis, minister at Kynnaird, prebendar of the prebendarie callit the subdenrie of the said cathedrall kirk of Brechine, lyand within the diocie of [...] and schirefdome of Forfar foirsaid, with consent of his majesteis as patrone of the said prebendarie and of the saidis bischope, dene, chanounes and chaptour of the said cathedrall kirk of Brechine; and alse be the said Maister Johne Weymis as persone and viccar of the personage and vicarage of Cukestoun, with consent of Schir David Carnegie of Kinnaird, knycht, undoubtit patrone of the said personage and vicarage of Cusktoun, quhairby the saidis Alexander, bischop of Brechin, Robert Kinneir, viccar of Brechine, and Maister Johne Weymis, all with ane consent and assent, and alse with the speciall advyse and consent of the saidis patrones, dene, channones and chapter of the samyn for thair richt and interes, gaif, grantit, disponit, unitit, incorporatit, mortifeit and annexit simpliciter and for evir to the kirk of Kynnaird, laitlie biggit and erectit be umquhile Maister David Carnegie of Kynnaird, father to the said Schir David Carnegie of Kynnaird, knycht, in place of the kirk of Cukestoun, quhilk is altogidder ruynous and decayit, all and sindrie the teyndis, alsweill great as small, of all and haill the saidis landis of Kynnaird, Balnamone, Pentoskell and Overdalgatie, with thair pertinentis, togidder with all and sindrie the yeirlie teyndsilver, proffeittis and dueteis of all and sindrie the samyn teyndis, personage and vicarage thairof, and alse of all and sindrie the vicarage and small teyndis of the saidis landis of Middill Drum and Grenedene, with the pertinentis, with the yeirlie teyndsilver, proffeittis and dueteis of the samyn teyndis, togidder with the manse, gleib, houses, yairdis, haill fruittis, rentis, emolumentis and dueteis, alsweill pertening and belanging to the said prebendarie callit the subdenrie of the said cathedrall kirk of Brechine, as to the haill personage and vicarage of Cukestoun, of the cropt and yeir of God jM vjC and [...] yeiris, and of all yeiris croppis and termes thaireftir following, to the effect that ane severall personage and vicarage may be erectit and composit of all and sindrie the saidis teyndscheves and small teyndis of the foirsaidis landis of Kynnaird, Balnamone, Pentoskell and Over Dalgatie, and of the vicarage and small teyndis of the saidis landis of Middill Drummes, Grenedene, with all and sindrie manses, gleibis, houses, yairdis, orchardis, haill fruittis, rentis and emolumentis, alsweill pertening of befoir to the said personage and vicarage of Cukestoun as to the said prebendarie callit the subdenrie of the said cathedrall kirk of Brechine, to be callit in all tyme cumming the personage and vicarage of Kynnaird, and that the parochin and parochkirk thairof may be lykwayes callit the parochin and parochkirk of Kynnaird, and to the effect that all and sindrie the foirsaidis fruittis, rentis, teyndis, manses, gleibis, utheris rentis and emolumentis befoir rehersit may remane in all tyme cumming with the said parochkirk of Kynnaird, personage and vicarage thairof, as the propir rent and patrimonie of the samin, togidder with the procuratorie of resignatioun or dimissioun contenit in the said letter of mortificatioun, quhairby the saidis Alexander, bischop of Brechine, Robert Kynneir, viccar of Brechine, and Maister Johne Weymis, with advyse and consent foirsaid, maid and constitute certane procuratouris for thame to resigne, dimit and overgif all and sindrie the foirsaidis teyndis, manse, gleibis, utheris rentis and emolumentis befoir rehersit with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the said parochkirk of Cukestoun, personage and vicarage thairof, in the handis of oure soverane lord or utheris haveand his hienes power and commissioun to ressave the said resignatioun or dimissioun, to the effect contenit in the saidis letteris of gift and mortificatioun, as the samin of the date at Edinburgh, Dundie, Kynnaird and Brechine respective, the thrid, fourt and sewintene dayes of September, the yeir of God jM vjC and four yeiris and the tuentie twa day of Julii jM vjC and fyve yeiris at mair lenth beiris, with the instrument of resignatioun and dimissioun following thairupoun of the date at Edinburgh, the tuentie sewint day of Marche, the yeir of God jM vjC and fyve yeiris, togidder with the infeftment maid and grantit be his majestie under the great seall, quhairby his hienes gaif, grantit and disponit to the said Schir David Kynnard, knycht, and to the airis maill lauchfullie gottin, or to be gottin, of his bodie, quhilkis failyeand to his narrest and lauchfull airis maill, beirand the surname and armes of Carnegie and thair assignayes quhatsumevir, all and sindrie the landis and utheris particularlie underwrittin, to wit: all and haill the landis of Cukestoun; all and haill the landis of Addecat with their pendiclis and pertinentis lyand within the said schirefdome of Forfar; all and sindrie the saidis landis of Middill Drummis and Greneden with thair pendiclis and pertinentis, togidder with the teyndscheves of the samyn includit, lyand within the schirefdome foirsaid; and all and haill the myln of Cauldhame with the mylnlandis, toftis, croftis, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis of the samyn quhatsumever, lyand within the said schirefdome of Forfar. And als his majestie gaif, grantit, disponit, unitit, incorporat, mortefeit and annexit simpliciter for ever to the foirsaid kirk of Kynnaird all and sindrie the foirsaidis teyndscheves, alsweill great as small, of all and haill the saidis landis of Kynnaird, Balnamone, Pentoskell and Over Dalgatie with thair pertinentis, togidder with all and sindrie the yeirlie teyndsilver, proffeittis and dewteis of the samyn landis, personage and viccarage thairof; and als all and sindrie the vicarage and small teyndis of the saidis landis of Middill Drummis and Greneden, with the pertinentis, with the yeirlie teyndsilver, proffeittis and dewteis of the samin landis; togidder lykwayse with the manse, gleib, houses, yairdis, haill fruittis, rentis, emolumentis and dewteis, alsueill pertening and belanging to the said prebandrie callit the subdeanrie of the said cathedrall kirk of Brechin, as to the haill personage and vicarage of Cukistoun, of the foirsaid cropt and yeir of God jM vjC and [...] yeiris, and of all yeiris croptis and termes thairefter following. And siclyk his majestie gaif, grantit and disponit to the said Schir David Carnegie and his foirsaidis the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the said kirk of Kynnaird, personage and viccarage thairof, quhilkis landis and myln abonewrittin with thair pertinentis, togidder with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the said kirk of Kynnaird, personage and viccarage thairof, ar unit, annexit, creat and incorporat in ane haill and frie tennandrie to be callit now, and in all tyme cumyng, the tennandrie of Cukistoun, as the said infeftment under the great seall of the date at Edinburgh, the [...] day of Aprile, the yeir of God jM vjC and sex yeiris at mair lenth beiris, togidder with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun. And als his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis ratifeis and apprevis the lettre of erectioun maid and grantit be his majestie under the great seall in favouris of the said umquhile Maister David Carnegie of Kynnaird and his airis maill, creatand and erectand ane bursarie of the college of St Leonardis within the citie of St Androus, to be callit the bursarie of Drummis, and geveand, grantand and disponeand for sustenatioun of the bursareis to be presentit to the said bursarie the sowme of threscoir pundis money of this realme of Scotland as the yeirlie fewferme of all and haill the foirsaidis landis of Middill Drummis and Greneden, with the pertinentis now pertening in fewferme heretablie to the said Schir David Carnagie of Kynnaird, knycht, and makand, constituand and ordinand the said umquhile Maister David and his airis maill foirsaidis lauchfull and indoubtit patrones of the said bursarie in all tyme cumyng, as the said lettre of erectioun of the dait at Halyrudhous, the tuentie aucht day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vjC3 fourscoir tuelf yeiris at mair lenth proportis, in all and sindrie pointis, passes, heidis, articles, clauses, conditiones and circumstances quhatsumever contenit in the saidis lettres of mortificatioun, instrument of resignatioun following thairupoun, infeftment abonewrittin, precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun, and lettre of erectioun of the bursareis abonespecifeit, eftir the formes and tennouris thairof, with all that hes followit or may follow thairupoun. Attoure, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis consentis, decernis and declairis that the securiteis particularlie abonespecifeit salbe valeid, effectuall and sufficient to the said Schir David Carnegie of Kynnaird, knycht, and his airis maill abonedesignit, for bruiking and joyseing of all and haill the foirsaidis landis of Cukistoun and Addecat, with thair pertinentis, and all and haill the foirsaidis landis of Middill Drummis and Greneden, with the teyndscheves of the samin includit, as also all and haill the foirsaid myln of Cauldhame, with the pertinentis, togidder with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the said paroche kirk of Kynnaird, personage and viccarage thairof, as thair propirtie and proper heretage at thair plesoure in all tyme cumyng; and lykwayse to the persones and vicaris quha salhappin to be provydit to the said personage and viccarage of Kynnaird for bruiking and joyseing of all and sindrie the teyndscheves and small teyndis of all and haill the saidis landis of Kynnaird, Balnamon, Pentoskell and Overdalgatie, with thair pertinentis, togidder with all and sindrie the yeirlie teyndsilver, proffeittis and dewteis of all and sindrie the samin teyndis, personage and viccarage thairof; and als of all and sindrie the viccarage and small teyndis of the saidis landis of Middill Drummis and Greneden, with the pertinentis, with the yeirlie teyndsilver, proffeittis and dewteis of the samin teyndis; togidder lykwayse with the manse, gleib, houses, yairdis, haill fruittis, rentis, emolumentis and dewteis, alsueill pertening and belanging to the said prebandrie callit the subdeanrie of the cathedrall kirk of Brechin as to the haill personage and viccarage of Cukistoun, of the cropt and yeir of God jM vjC and [...] yeiris, and of all croptis and termes to cum, as being annexit and mortefeit to the said kirk of Kynnaird, personage and viccarage thairof, in maner abonewrittin in all tyme cumyng; and in lyk maner to the said Schir David and his foirsaidis for bruiking and joyseing of the richt of patronage of the foirsaid bursarie within the said college of Schir Leonardis in St Androus, callit the bursarie of Drummis, and to the bursareis presentit, and to be presentit, thairto be the said Schir David and his foirsaidis for bruiking, joyseing and uplifting of the sowme abonewrittin for thair sustenatioun according to the said lettre of erectioun in all tyme cumyng, and that nochtwithstanding quhatsumever actis, statutis or constitutiounes of parliament maid in this present parliament, or at ony tyme of befoir; and willis, decernis and declairis this present ratificatioun and confirmatioun to be of alse great strenth, force and effect as gif the said procuratorie, instrument of resignatioun, chartour, precept and instrument of seasing foirsaid wer, word be word, ingrossit and insert heirin; quhairanent his majestie, with advyse foirsaid, be thir presentis, for now and ever dispenses.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.95r-96r.
  2. Change of hand occurs midway through this act (f.95v).
  3. Sic.