Act in favouris of the Vicount of Fentoun anent the dissolutioun of Restenneth fra the abbacie of Jedburgh

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, calling to rememberance the faithfull and loyall service done to his hienes continualie sen his infancie be his trest cousing Thomas, vicount of Fentoun, lord Dirltoun etc., and capitane of his hienes guardis, and specialie that nochtable service done be him at Perth in resisting of the monstrous, ungodlie and horrible tressoun conspyrit thair aganis his hienes royall persone be umquhile Johne, sumtyme erle of Gowrie, and his brother, deserveing justlie perpetuall memorie and commendatioun to all ages, with gude recompence and remuneratioun; and his hienes and estaittis in sum measure being willing to gratifie his said trest cousing for the present be dispositioun to him, his airis maill and assignais heretable of the haill temporall landis and rentis quhilkis pertenit of befoir to the priourie of Restenneth, being ane cell of the abbacie of Jedburgh, now pertening to his majestie be vertue of the act of annexatioun of the kirklandis within this realme to the crowne, with the richt of the patronage of the kirkis of the said priourie, viz: the kirkis of Restenneth, Donynald and Aberlemno erectit in ane frie baronie as followes; thairfoir his majestie and estaittis of this present parliament, eftir sufficient tryell tane in this parliament and of befoir of the said nochtable service done be the said Vicount of Fentoun in the preservatioun of his hienes maist royall persone, being sene, maist ressonable and proffitable causes for the weill of his haill realme and subjectis thairof, hes dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis all and sindrie the temporall landis, annuallis and rentis pertening of befoir to the said priourie of Restenneth fra the said act of annexatioun and patrimonie of the crowne; and siclyk hes dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis all and sindrie the saidis parochkirkis of the said cell and priourie of Restenneth, personages and vicarages thairof, with all and sindrie teyndis, fruittis, proventis, emolumentis and dueteis of the samin fra the first fundatiounes thairof, quhairupoun the samin proceidit, and fra the said abbacie of Jedburgh, to the quhilk the said cell and priourie of Restenneth wes unitit of auld as ane pairte of the patrimonie thairof, and fra all utheris actis of annexatioun quhatsumevir maid of the samin priourie, rentis and kirkis thairof in tyme bigane, and hes suppressit and, be thir presentis, suppressis, buryis and extinguissis the name and memorie of the said priourie for evir, to the effect his majestie may grant and dispone heretablie to his said trest cousing Thomas, vicount of Fentoun, his airis maill and assignayis, all and sindrie the temporall landis and rentis pertening to the said priourie with the place, cloister, yairdis, orchardis and haill boundis within the precinct of the samin, and all thair pertinentis, togidder with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the paroch kirkis foirsaidis, personages and vicarages thairof, erectit in ane frie baronie as said is, haldin of his hienes and his successouris in frie blenche for yeirlie payment of tuentie pundis in name of blenche ferme alanerlie, and frie of payment of all monkis portiounes, first yeiris fruittis, fyft penny, thrid and all utheris dueteis quhairunto his majestie, his predecessouris or successouris had, hes or onywayes may have or pretend richt in ony tyme cumming, be vertue of quhatsumevir law, statute, actis of parliament, counsall or conventioun quhatsumevir maid or to be maid in the contrair, quhilkis his hienes and estaittis foirsaidis for the causes abonespecefeit renuncis and dischargis for evir be thir presentis; and that the said chartour be extendit in the best forme with all clauses necessar; and this present act to be ane sufficient warrand for making and perfyting thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.94v.