Exceptioun in favouris of Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynning, knycht, frome the erectioun of Elcho

The quhilk day the haill estaittis of parliament exceptis furth of the erectioun of the landis and kirkis of the priourie of Elcho appointit to be maid in favouris of David, lord of Scone all and haill the kirk landis of Eister Bynning, Wester Bynning, Braidlaw alias Myddil Bynning, callit the Nunlandis, quhairin Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Monkland, knycht, his hienes advocat, standis heretable infeft, haldin immediatlie of oure soverane lord, and nochtwithstanding thairof decernis and declairis the said Schir Thomas and his airis to hald the samyn landis of oure soverane lord in all tyme cumming; and to that effect, the saidis estaittis hes dissolvit and be thir presentis dissolvis the foirsaidis landis of Eister, Wester and Myddill Bynningis frome the generall act of annexatioun of all kirklandis to his hienes crowne maid in anno jM vC fourscoir sewin yeiris, and fra all former annexatiounes maid of the landis pertening to nunnis or priourisses for annexing of the samyn to his hienes crowne, to the effect his majestie may of new dispone the saidis landis to the said Schir Thomas and his foirsaidis to be haldin blenche of his majestie for payment to his hienes of sic duetie as he sall ples gif the samyn.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.84r-v.