Exceptioun in favouris of Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Bynnyng, knycht, frome the erectioun of Jedburgh

The quhilk day the haill estaittis of parliament exceptis furth of the erectioun of the landis and kirkis of the abbacie of Jedburgh appointit to be maid in favouris of Alexander, erle of Home, all and haill the kirk landis of Dummany, togidder with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the kirk of Dummany, quhairin Schir Thomas Hammyltoun of Monkland, knycht, his hienes advocat, standis heretablie infeft, and nochtwithstanding of the said erectioun, decernis and declairis the said Schir Thomas and his airis to hald the saidis landis and patronage foirsaidis immediatlie of oure soverane lord in all tyme cumming; and to that effect, the saidis estaittis hes dissolvit and dissolvis the saidis kirklandis of Dummany fra the generall act of annexatioun of the kirklandis to the crowne and fra all utheris actis of annexatioun maid thairanent to the effect the samyn may be of new disponit be his majestie to the said Schir Thomas, to be haldin of his majestie in frie blenche ferme for payment of sic duetie as his majestie pleises to grant the samin. And siclyk the saidis estaittis ratifeis and apprevis the procuratorie of dimissioun of the said kirk of Dummany maid be umquhile Andro, commendatar of Jedburgh, for dimitting and resigning of the said kirk in his majesteis handis, quhilk procuratorie is of the date the [...] day of [...] jM vC fourscoir sextene yeiris, togidder with the instrument of dimissioun of the samin following thairupoun, with the infeftment grantit be his majestie to the said Schir Thomas and his foirsaidis of the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the said kirk of Dummany and dissolutioun of the said kirk fra the said abbay of Jedburgh specefeit and contenit in the said infeftment. Lyk as the saidis estaittis, considering that nocht onlie the said kirk of Dummany wes of auld dimittit be the said umquhile Andro, commendatar of Jedburgh, in his majesteis handis, bot also that the said Alexander, erle of Home hes of lait maid dimissioun and resignatioun in his majesteis handis of the haill spiritualitie and kirkis of the said abbay of Jedburgh, and inrespect thairof hes suppressit the said abbacie and ordinit the memorie thairof to ceise and be extinguishit in all tyme cumming. Thairfoir, the saidis estaittis hes of new dissolvit the said kirk of Dummany fra the said abbacie of Jedburgh to the effect the samin may be disponit be his majestie to the said Schir Thomas in sic forme and maner as sall pleise his majestie to gif the samyn.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.84r.