2Act in favouris of Maister Williame Scott of Elie anent his landis of Grangemuir Wester

Oure soverane lord and haill estaittis of this present parliament ratifeis and appreves and, for his hienes and his successouris, perpetuallie confermis the confirmatioun and new infeftment of fewferme grantit be his hienes under the great seall of all and haill the landis of Grangemure and haill mure of the samyn, croftis, akeris and all utheris landis thairin contenit, with the pertinentis, to Maister Williame Scott of Elie and to umquhile Issobell Durie, his spous, and to thair airis and assignais specefeit thairin, pertening of befoir to umquhile Thomas Dischingtoun of Ardross and Johne Strang of Balcaskie respective, lyand within the barony of Pittinweme and schirefdome of Fyf, in the haill heidis and clauses specefeit thairin, and eftir the forme and tennour thairof in all pointis, of the date the aucht day of October jM vC fourscoir ellewin yeiris. And siclyk, oure soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis ratifeis and appreves the dispositioun maid be umquhile Williame Scott of Abbottishall to the said Maister Williame Scott and to his airis mentionat thairin, of all and haill the sextene part of all and haill the saidis landis of Grangemure, with the pertinentis pertening to the said umquhile Williame Scott of Abbottishall. And lykwayes oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis ratifeis and appreves all infeftmentis of few grantit be the priouris or commendataris of Pittinweme, with advyse of the convent, to the saidis umquhile Thomas Dischingtoun of Ardross and to Johne Strang of Balcaskie and to the said umquhill Williame Scott of Abbottishall and to thair authouris, thair airis or assignayis specefeit thairin, off the saidis landis of Grangemure, or ony pairt thairof, and haill mure of the samyn and utheris abonewrittin, with the pertinentis and haill infeftmentis maid be them or ony of them, thair airis or successouris to the said Maister Williame Scott and to his airis specefeit thairin, in the haill heidis, clauses, tennouris and contentis of the samin of quhatsumevir date or datis the samyn be of, and decernis and declaris the samyn haill infeftmentis foirsaidis of the samyn landis, with the preceptis and instrumentis of seasing following thairupoun, grantit to the said Maister Williame Scott and to his authouris foirsaidis, thair airis and assignayis specefeit thairin, to be als effectuall, valide and sufficient in the self to the said Maister Williame Scott and to his foirsaidis for bruiking, josing and possessing of the said landis, mure and utheris foirsaidis particularlie abone expressit in the saidis infeftmentis, as gif the saidis infeftmentis of fewferme grantit be his hienes to the said Maister William and his said umquhile spous of the saidis landis of Grangemure, with the pertinentis, and as gif his haill authouris and predecessouris infeftmentis and the said Maister William his awin infeftmentis and dispositionis maid be them to him of the samyn landis wer insert de verbo ad verbum in this present act. And forder, oure soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis findis, decernis and declaris that the saidis haill landis of Grangemure and haill mure thairof, and utheris foirsaidis now pertening to the said Maister Williame Scott heretablie as said is, nawayes to be comprehendit nor contenit in the act of parliament maid this instant day in favouris of Frederik Stewart, sone to umquhile Schir Williame Stewart, lord Pittinweme, quhairby the lordschip and baronie of Pittinweme and utheris pertening of auld to the priourie of Pittinweme ar gevin and erectit to him and his airis thairin specefeit in ane temporall lordschip and baronie, and nawayes to be comprehendit nor contenit in ony of the infeftmentis to follow thairupoun, in favouris of the said Frederik, his airis and successouris, to the effect the said Maister Williame Scott and his airis specefeit in his saidis infeftmentis alredie past, or in his infeftmentis to be past and thair successouris, may hald the samin of his hienes and his successouris in ane frie tennandrie, to be callit in all tyme cumming the tennandrie of Wester Grangemure, for the yeirlie payment to oure soverane lord and his successouris and thair comptrolleris in thair names of the yeirlie dueties as is contenit thairin alanerlie. And in lykmaner, oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis, for the said Maister Williames better securitie, ordanis ane new infeftment to be past his hienes register and seallis to the said Maister Williame Scott and to his airis and successouris as sall pleis him to designe, off all and haill the foirsaidis landis of Wester Grangemure, haill mure of the samyn and utheris foirsaidis, acquirit and conquest be the said Maister Williame fra the said umquhile laird of Ardross, laird of Balcaskie and laird of Abbottishall, to be haldin of his hienes and his successouris in frie tennandrie, to be callit the tennandrie of Wester Grangemure in all tyme cuming, and with all utheris privileges contenit in the said Maister Williames his former infeftmentis, and with ony utheris privileges may stand with the lawes and consuetude of this realme, for the yeirlie payment to his hienes and his successouris and to thair comptrolleris of the yeirlie dueteis as is contenit thairin alanerlie.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.82r-v.
  2. 'Usual' hand resumes.