Act in favouris of Maister Robert Williamsone of the tempillandis fra the croune

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratifies, appreves and confermis the contract and apointment maid betuix James Sandilandis of Calder, lord Torphechin on the ane part, and Maister Robert Williamsoun, writtar, and James Tennent of Linhous on the uther part, quhairby the said Lord Torphechin hes sauld, annaleit and disponit to the saidis Maister Robert Williamsoun and James Tennent, equallie betuix thame, all and sindrie and quhatsumever tempillandis and tenementis pertening to the said Lord Torphechin ather in propertie or tennandrie, quhairever they ly within the realme of Scotland, ather in burgh or outwith burgh in landwart, and quhilkis ar or may be knowne to pertene, or to have pertenit, to the said lordschip of Torphechin at ony tyme bigane preceiding the dait underwrittin of the said contract, with tennentis, tennendries, service of frie tennentis, priviledges and immunities of the foirsaidis landis and tenementis quhatsumever richteouslie pertening thairto, and quhilkis the said Lord Torphechen and his predicessouris haif enjoyit in ony tymes bipast, or contenit in the auld infeftmentis of the samin, with castellis, touris, fortalices, houses, biggingis, orchardis, medowis, parkis, milnes, woddis, fischeingis and all thair pertinentis quhairever they ly within the realme of Scotland (exceptand alwayes as is exceptit in the said contract), to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his hienes successouris fra the said Lord Torphechin and his airis be sic maner of halding as may stand be the lawis of this realme, and as they may procure of oure said soverane lord and his successouris handis, ather in blenshe fewferme or uther wayes, and ratifies and apprevis the haill pointis, heidis, clauses, articlis, priviledgis and conditionis contenit thairin and efter the forme and tennour thairof in all pointis, of the dait the nynt day of November, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir nynetene yeiris, and registrat in the buikis of counsell, the tuentie aucht day of November, the yeir of God jM sex hundreth yeiris. And als the saidis estaittis of parliament ratifies and appreves the assignatioun and dispostioun maid be the said James Tennent of Linhous to the said Maister Robert Williamsoun and his airis of his part of the said contract, assignand and transferrand his haill richt and titill thairof in the persone of the said Maister Robert and his foirsaidis, of the dait the sextene day off Junii, the yeir of God jM sex hundreth four yeiris. And oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, haiffand considderatioun that the said tempillandis are of small quantitie and importance, lyand disperst throuchout all the partis of this realme, and are, for the maist part, disponit of auld to the possessouris thairof for payment yeirlie of very small annuellis and utheris dewties, sa that the expenses of the ingaddering of the samyne will farre surmount the haill yeirlie annuellis and dewties thairof, and als haifand considderatioun that the said Lord Torphechin hes sindrie baronies of land particulerlie mentionat in his infeftment of the said lordschip off Torphechin, sufficient for payment to oure said soverane lord and his successouris of his hienes few dewtie of fyve hundreth merkis addettit yeirlie for the said haill lordschip of Torphechin in all tymes cuming, as also that the said Lord Torphechin be the said contract hes tane upoun him and his airis the payment of the said few dewtie of fyve hundreth merkis to his hienes and his successouris and to mak the foirsaidis tempillandis to be frie thairoff, thairfoir, and for guide and thankfull service done to his hienes be the said Maister Robert Williamsoun, quha hes acquyrit the haill richt of the saidis tempillandis to himselff and his airis in maner abonewrittin, oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament hes dissolvit and dissolvis the foirsaidis haill tempillandis, annuellis and few dewties thairof frome the crowne and patrimonie thairof suafar as the samyne tempillandis, annuellis and few dewties payit thairfoir hes ever bene annext or wer annext to the patrimonie of the crowne, to the effect the samin tempillandis, fewdewties and annuellis may be disponit be his hienes to the said Maister Robert Williamsoun, his airis and assignais heritablie, in all tyme cuming; and for that effect, ordanis ane new infeftment to be maid in dew and compitent forme of the saidis tempillandis and utheris abonewrittin with all priviledgis and immunities belonging thairto, to the said Maister Robert Williamsoun, his airis and assignais, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his hienes successouris for payment of ane penny in name of blenshe at Witsounday, if it beis askit, allanerlie, conforme to the tennour of the foirsaid contract and the said Lord Torphechin and his predicessouris' infeftmentis of the samyne tempillandis and utheris abonewrittin, priviledgis and immunities belonging thairto and contenit in the former infeftmentis of the said lordschip of Torphechin; the quhilk infeftment of the saidis tempillandis, with the priviledgis and immunities belonging thairto, and of all the pertinentis thairof abonewrittin, oure said soverane lord and estaittis foirsaidis, now as gif the said infeftment of the saidis tempillandis wer past to the said Maister Robert Williamsoun and his foirsaidis and than as now, ratifies and apprevis the said infeftment in the haill articlis and clauses thairof efter the forme and tennour of the samin in all pointis, to the effect he and his foirsaidis may bruik and jois and dispone thairupoun as thair heritage at thair plesour in all tyme cuming; and this infeftment to be extendit in ample forme with all clauses necessar belonging thairto, renunceand all actioun that his majestie, his predicessouris or successouris had, hes or may have aganis the samin for quhatsumever caus may mak ather the infeftment grantit to the said Lord Torphechin or his predicessouris, or the said Maister Robert Williamsoune awin infeftment following heirupoun, invalide and ineffectuall in thameselves to and in favouris of the said Maister Robert Williamsoun, his airis and assignais, safar as concernis the saidis tempillandis and utheris foirsaidis contenit in the said contract and utheris writtis abonewrittin.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.79v-80r.