Act in favouris of James Maxuell and Robert Douglas

Oure soverane lord and estaites of this present parliament, having considerit the guid, trew and thankfull services done and performit to his majestie be his hienes domestick servitouris James Maxuell, ane of the gentlemen ischearis, and Robert Douglas, ane of the equyriers to his hienes derrest sone, the prince, and for other grave, wechtie and proffitable sene causes of this the realme of Scotland concerning the honour, weilfair, peace and tranquilitie thairof, weill advysit, tryit digestlie, considerit and approvin be his majestie and estaites foirsaidis, and be thair decreit of this present parliament hes thocht meitt, concludit, statute and ordanit that ane charter and infeftment under the great seill in maist ample forme salbe exped and granted be his hienes and officers of estaite to, and in favouris of, the saidis James Maxwell and Robert Douglas conjointlie and equallie betuix tham, and to thair airis maill and assignais quhatsumevir heretablie, of all and sindrie the landis underwrittin, of before callit the debetable landis, viz: the landis of Tarresfute, Monibyherst, Broumsheilhill, Quhitliesyde, Bankheid, Menmeirburne, Harlaw and Harlaw Wod, Rowingburne, Wodeheid, Thorniequhattis, Waberhillis, Barresknowis, Wodhousleyis, Hoilhous, Torcune, Broumsheilburne, Auchinrissok, lyand within the parochin of Cannabie, and of the landis of Glunyeart, Mortoun and Barnegleis, lyand within the parochin of Mortoun, with all and sindrie the manor places, houses, biggingis, yairdis, orchardis, milnis, multures, wodis, fischingis, doucattis, cunningharis, tenentis, tenandreis, service of frie tennentis, annexis, connexis, partis, pendicles and pertinentis of the samin quhatsumevir, all lyand within the schirefdome of Drumfreis, and to be unite, annexit, erectit and incorporat in ane haill and frie baronie to be callit in all tyme cuming the baronie of Tarres, to be haldin of oure said soverane lord and his successoures in frie blenshe for payment of a pair of gilt spurs in name of blenshe ferme on the ground of the landis foirsaidis yeirlie at the feist of Witsonday, if it beis askit, allennarlie, and the said infeftment to be als largelie extendit and to contene als ample clauses, liberteis and privilegis as may be devysit be the saidis James and Robert for thair securities thairanent, and that hes bene granted in favoures of ony barroun upoun quhatsumevir other baronie within this realme. And if ather it hes or may be tryed or estimat that the forsaidis landis or any part thairof have bene of the annexit propertie at any tyme heirtofoir, oure said soverane lord and estaites forsaidis hes, for the causes and consideratiounis abonewritin, dissolvit and, be thir presentis, dissolvis the forsaidis landis and all thair pertinents fra the croun and fra all annexationis thairof, ather speciall or generall, to the effect and for granting and expending of the infeftment thairof abonewrittin to and in favoures of the saidis James and Robert and thair forsaidis and for thair greater and mair large securitie of the saidis landis. And forder, oure said soverane lord and estaitis foirsaidis, now as if the said infeftment wer maid and past and than as now, ratifeis and approves the samyn chartour and infeftment in all and every heid, claus, circumstance and conditioun thairof, decerning and ordaning the samyn, with the precept and saising to follow thairupoun, to be guid, valid, effectuall and sufficient rychtis, titles and securities to the saidis James and Robert and thair forsaidis, to bruik, joyse, posses and use the foirnamit landis and utheris abonewrittin with all the privilegis, liberties and immunities to be contenit in the said infeftment, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir law, act, statute and ordinance maid, or to be maid in the contrair, quhairunto thir presentis sall mak expres dirogatioun.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.78r.