The commissioneris warrant anent the provisioun of the kirk of Abircorne

Whereas in the parliament haldin in the moneth of Julii jM vjC sex yeiris a speciall act of ratificatioun wes past and exped in favouris of James, now erle of Abircorne, of his infeftment of the landis and barony of Abircorne, with the advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of the personage and vicarage of Abircorne, as the said act at mair lenth beiris, wherein a speciall restrictioun wes past that the act of parliament sould remayne unbooked or extractit untill it should be cleared unto us (who wer by the estaittis apointit commissioneris for that effect) that the said kirk of Abircorne wes provydit of ane sufficient stipend for maintenance of the minister serwing the cure at the same, and finding that the present minister hath assignit to him for the personage of Abircorne tua hundreth fiftie merkis money, ane chalder meill, aucht bollis beir to be payit be the takismen and parochyneris of Abircorne, with ten pundis money out of Tullilun, with the vicarage of the said kirk, for his yeirlie stipend, thairfoir we declair the said kirk to be sufficientlie provydit of maintenance and ordanis the samin act of ratificatioun to be insert and extractit as shalbe requyred. Sic subscribitur, Al., cancell[arius]., Sanctandrois, Glasgo, Jo. Prestoun, Ja., bishop of Orcade, S. T. Hammiltoun, Ross, J. Cokburne.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.77v-78r.