2Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Lawrence Gordoun of his infeftment of Glenluce

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding that his majestie, upoun gude considerationis moveing his hienes, be his chartour under the great seall, hes gevin, grantit and disponit to Maister Laurence Gordoun, commendater of Glenluce, his airis maill and assignais quhatsumevir, all and haill the place and monastery of Glenluce, with all and sindrie houses, mansionis, doucattis, yairdis and orchardis thairof, alsweill within the precinct as outwith, and als all and haill the burgh of baronie and towne of Ballinglache, with the burrow landis, tenementis, houses, marcattis, fairis and privileges thairof, with the kirk of Glenluce, personage and vicarage of the samin, with the chaplanrie of oure lady and Christis chapellis, with all the teyndschaves and utheris teyndis pertenig thairto, and siclyk all and sindrie the croftis and fischingis pertening of auld to the said abbacie of Glenluce and benefice thairof, as the said chartour maid and grantit thairupoun, quhairin oure said soverane lord, be his hienes princelie word, hes faithfullie promittit to cause the samin chartour be ratefeit and appreveit be ane speciall act of parliament, at mair lenth proportis; thairfoir, and for fulfilling of his majesteis princelie promeis foirsaid, his hienes and estaittis of this present parliament hes ratefeit and apprevit and, be the tennour heirof, ratefeis and appreves the chartour and infeftment abonespecefeit in all and sindrie heidis, articlis, circumstances and provisionis thairof, eftir the forme and tennour of the samin in all pointis, with the seasing and all that hes followit, or that may follow thairupoun, provyding alwayes that the said Maister Laurence Gordoun, his airis maile and assignais satisfie the present minister of Glenluce and his successouris ministeris thairof in all tyme cumming, of ane sufficient stipend furth of the reddiest teyndis of the said personage and vicarage of Glenluce according and conforme to ane act and ordinance maid in this present parliament thairanent. Exceptand alwayes furth of this said infeftment and ratificatioun thairof all regaliteis, gif evir ony wes grantit to the said abbacie of Glenluce, and declaris the samin regaliteis to remane with oure said soverane lord and his hienes successouris inseparablie frome his hienes crowne for evir, nochtwithstanding of the said infeftment grantit to the said Maister Laurence Gordoun, his airis male and assignais foirsaidis, and this present ratificatioun thairof in parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.76v-77r.
  2. '75' written in margin beside heading.