2Erectioun of the lordschip and baronie of Kylismure with the kirk of Mauchlane in favouris of the Lord Lowdoun

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, remembering and perfytlie understanding the gude, trew and thankfull service done be his majesties richt traist cowsing Hew, lord of Lowdoun, nocht onlie in his hienes privat and particular affairis sen his majestie infancie, bot alsua in the publict of affairis of this realme, greatumlie tending to the commoun weill, peace and tranquilitie thairof and lieges of the samyn, and specialie in apprehending of ane great number of his majesteis rebellis and brokin men, oppressouris and committeris of hynowus and great crymes within the boundis of the schirefdome of Air, quhair the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun makis his residence, and utheris pairtis thairabout, and in the repressing of the insolence of the saidis rebellis and brokin men and conformeyng thame to the obedience of his majesteis authoritie and lawis of this realme mony yeiris befoir his majesteis preferment to the crownis of England, France and Irland. And lykwayes his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, haveing consideratioun of the gude, trew and thankfull service done be the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun, tending to the honour and advancement of his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis and this realme of Scotland sen his hienes preferment to the saidis crownis of England, France and Irland, in attending upoun his majestie and conveying of his hienes to the citie of Londoun and thair remaning quhill his majesteis coronatioun and ane lang space thaireftir, quhairintill the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun hes debursit and sustenit great charges and expenses, notour to his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis, quhairof as yit he hes ressavit na recompense, quhilk service is sufficientlie tryit, verefeit and knawin to his hienes and haill estaittis of this present parliament to have bene verie proffitable to his hienes, this realme of Scotland and lieges thairof; in recompence quhairof, oure said soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament hes dissolvit and, be this present act, dissolvis all and haill the landis, lordschip and baroneis of Kylismure and Barmure, with castellis, touris, fortalices, manerplaces, yairdis, orchardis, houses, biggingis, mylnis, multuris, woddis, fischeingis, tennentis, tennandreis, service of frie tennentis, fewfermes, annexis, connexis, dependences, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis of the samin quhatsumevir, lyand within the baillerie of Kylestewart and schirefdome of Air, fra the act of annexatioun maid upoun the tuentie nynt day of Julii, the yeir of God jM vC fourscoir sevin yeiris, annexand the temporalitie of all benefices within this realme to the patrimonie of his hienes crowne, togidder with the paroch kirk of Machlene, personage and vicarage thairof, withall and sindrie teyndscheves, utheris teyndis, fruittis, rentis, emolumentis and dueteis pertening and belanging thairto, lyand within the baillerie and schirefdome foirsaidis, fra the abbacie of Melrose and benefice thairof, quhairunto the samin pertenis and pertenit of auld as ane pairt of the patrimonie thairof, to the effect that his majestie may gif, grant and dispone to the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun and his airis maill lauchfullie gottin or to be gottin of his bodie, quhilkis failyeing to his narrest and lauchfull airis maill quhatsumevir beirand the surname and armes of Campbell heretablie, all and sindrie the foirsaidis landis, lordschip and baroneis of Kylismure and Barmure abonewrittin, with castellis, touris, fortalices, maner places, yairdis, orchardis, houses, biggingis, mylnis, multuris, woddis, fischeingis, tennentis, tennandreis and service of frie tennentis, fewfermes, annexis, connexis, dependences, pairtis, pendiclis and pertinentis of the samyn quhatsumevir, with all and sindrie teyndscheves, utheris teyndis, fruittis, rentis and emolumentis quhatsumevir pertening and belanging to the said personage and vicarage of the paroch kirk of Machlene, and all richt, titill, interes and clame of richt quhilk his majestie, his predessouris or sucessouris had, hes or onywayes may have or clame thairto, or ony pairt thairof, be ony maner of way in tyme cumming; and als to the effect the towne of Mauchlene may be erectit in ane frie burgh of baronie, to be callit in all tyme cumming the burgh of Mauchlene, with ane oulklie marcat day upoun Setterday and tua frie fairis yeirlie, and siclyk to the effect his majestie may unite and incorporat all and sindrie the landis, lordschip, baroneis, burgh of baronie and utheris foirsaidis with all and sindrie thair castellis, touris, fortalices, houses, biggingis, mylnis, woddis, fischeingis and utheris pertinentis abonespecefeit with the teyndscheves, utheris teyndis, fruittis, rentis and emolumentis of the said paroch kirk of Mauchlene, personage and vicarage thairof, in ane haill and frie temporall lordschip and baronie callit and to be callit the lordschip and baronie of Kylismure and Barmure, ordaning the maner place of Mauchlene to be the principall messuag of the said lordschip and baronie for ane seasing to be takin thairat in all tyme cumming; and lykwayes to the effect that the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun and his airis maill may have full richt and superiouritie of all and sindrie the samin landis, lordschip, baroneis, burgh of baronie, mylnis, woddis, fischeingis and teyndscheves, utheris teyndis, annexis, connexis and utheris specialie and generalie foirsaidis, and that the fewaris, tennentis and takismen thairof may hald the samin prinicpalie of the said Hew, lord of Loudoun and his foirsaidis in all tyme cumming for the yeirlie payment of the dueteis and service contenit in the infeftmentis, takkis and richtis maid to thame thairupoun; and to the effect his majestie may gif and grant to the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun and his abonewrittin full richt, actioun and interes for compelling of the saidis fewaris and tennentis to mak payment of thair yeirlie dueteis, and to observe and keep all utheris clauses contenit in thair saidis infeftmentis and takkis and to call for reductioun thairof, for quhatsumevir cause or occasioun competent of the law. And in lykmaner, to the effect the landis, lordschip, baroneis and utheres foirsaidis may nevir in ony tyme heireftir be taxat amongis the kirklandis or kirklevingis with the prelattis or ecclesiasticall, bot that the samin may be taxt according to the just valour and rent thairof, and that the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun and his foirsaidis may have thair releiff of the saidis taxationis aganis the fewaris, takismen, parochineris and possessouris of the saidis landis and teindis according to the rait of the samyn, and als oft as the saidis taxationis sall occur, and that the foirsaid lordschip and baronie may be judgeit and retourit in all breves and services in tyme cumming, and in the saidis taxationis to the sowme of tuentie twa pundis four schillingis fyve pennes and 3 pairt penny money of Scotland of auld extent and to the triple availl thairof, extending to threscoir sex pundis xiij s. iiij d. of new extent alanerlie, to be haldin of oure soverane lord and his successouris in frie blenche, frie heretage, frie lordschip and frie baronie for evir, payand thairfoir yeirlie the said Hew, lord of Lowdoun and his airis maill foirsaidis, to oure said soverane lord and his successouris, the service of ane frie lord and baroun in parliament with the sowme of ane hundreth merkis usuale money of this realme at the feist of Witsonday in name of blenche ferme, and als payand yeirlie to the minister serveing the cure at the said kirk of Mauchlene, fourtie bollis ait meill and thrie hundreth merkis money foirsaid, at the termes useit and wont, and furneschand bread and wyne yeirlie to the celebratioun of the communioun within the samyn kirk, and als freithand and relevand the said minister of all taxatioun and burdingis quhatsumevir to be imposit upoun the teindis and rentis of the said kirk or for reparatioun thairof in all tyme cumming alanerlie. And the saidis estaittis declaris that the pensioun grantit to Schir Williame Seytoun, brother germane to Alexander, erle of Dunfermeling, chancellar, furth of the saidis landis of Kylismure and Barmure and teyndis thairof sall nawayes be prejudgeit be this present act.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.73v-74v.
  2. '69' written in margin beside heading.