2Act anent salvo jure cujuslibet

Forsamekle as in this present sessioun of parliament thair is mony ratificationis past quhairin diverse and new clauses ar insert quhilk may be prejudiciall to particular parteis richtis and dirogative to mony and diverse lawes lauchfullie maid and establishit of befoir, albeit the meaning of the estaittis be at this tyme, as it wes evir in all preceding parliaments, that by no act of ratificatioun ony uther pairtie sould be hurte or prejudgeit; for remede quhairof, it is statut and ordanit that na ratificatioun past in this sessioun of parliament sall be prejudiciall to ony privat pairteis richt, bot that the saidis ratificationis be alwayes understude quhidder the samin be generall or speciall to be saving the right of anyone.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.72v.
  2. 'W [? or VV] 67' written in margin beside heading.