2Ratificatioun in favouris of Schir Johne Arnochte of his gift of the impost of threttie tounis wyne

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the thrie estaittis of this present parliament, ratefeis and confermis the gift and dispositioun thairin contenit maid, gevin and grantit be his hienes under the privie seall to Schir Johne Arnochte, thesaurar depute, and Margaret Craig, his spous, and the langer levand of thame twa, to bring in yeirlie within this realme of Scotland be thame selffis, thair friendis, factouris and servitouris in thair names, threttie twnis of wyne frie, but payment of ony kynd of impost, custome or uther duetie to be payit be thame thairfoir, as the said gift of the date at Quhithall, the tuentie sext day of October, the yeir of God jM vjC and four yeiris, at mair lenth proportis; quhilk gift and dispositioun thairin contenit as said is, oure soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, decernis and ordinis to be of als great force, strenth and effect as gif the samin wer insert heirin word be word; quhairanent his hienes be this present act dispenses.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.72r.
  2. '64' written in margin beside heading.