2Ratificatioun in favouris of Maister Johne Drummond of his office of clerkschip

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratefeis and appreves the gift of the office of clerkschip of the collectorie gevin, grantit and disponit be his majestie to Maister Johne Drummond, servitour to Alexander, erle of Dunfermeling and chancellar of this realme, with all feis, casualteis, dewteis, pensionis and quhatsumevir his majestie hes disponit to him belanging thairto, to be brukit and joisit be him during his lyfetyme siclyk and als frelie as ony uther clerk of collectorie had, hes or sall be knawin to have bruikit the samin and utheris foirsaidis in ony tyme bigane; and decernis and declaris the foirsaid gift of the said office to be effectuall and valide to the said Maister Johne in all heidis, articlis and clauses thairof, to the effect the said office and utheris abonespecefeit may be possessit be him but impediment or contradictioun during his lyfetyme as said is; and declaris that the saidis pensionis disponit to the said Maister Johne for discharge of the said office sall eftir the deceis of the said Maister Johne returne and accresce to the bischop of Ross and his successouris as a propir pairt of the patrimonie of the said bischoprik and sall nawayes appertene to the said clerkschip of collectorie as a pairt of the fie or duetie of the samin in ony tyme heireftir.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f. 71v-72r.
  2. '64' written in margin beside heading.