2Act in favouris of Maister Alexander Hay anent the dispositioun to him of the fewfermes of Ardett and Dron under reversioun of twentie thowsand merkis money

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament conveyned, considering the great charges and expenses debursit by his majesteis servitour, Maister Alexander Hay, in attending by his majesteis directioun in his hienes service at court, and als respecting the great sowmes of money laid out by the said Maister Alexander in his majesteis said service, quhairof as yit he hes had na repayment nor recompance, being nochtourlie knawin to his majestie and to his haill estaittis; thairfoir, it is declarit by act and statute of this present parliament that is lauchfull, ressonable and most expedient that the kingis majestie, for the said Maister Alexander, his greater security of payment of those debursed be him, suld grant, annalie and dispone to the said Maister Alexander, his airis and assignais the haill fewfermes, silver caynis, customes and utheris dueteis payit by the tennentis and possessouris of the landis of Ardett and Drone, and quhairof the said Maister Alexander hes heirtofoir richt and securitie during all the dayes of his lyfetyme, the samin fewfermes, customes, silver dueteis, caynis and utheris dewtyes of the saidis landis of Ardett and Drone being alwayes redimable fra the said Maister Alexander Hay and his airis and assignais upoun the delyverie of the sowme of tuentie thowsand merkis usuale money of the realme of Scotland, and that conforme to the particular clause of redemptioun to be contenit in the said Maister Alexander, his richt, security and infeftment to be past and expede to him upoun the warrand of this present act, quhilk infeftment oure said soverane lord and estaittis conveynit declaris sall be in all tyme cuming ane valiable, effectuall and unretreatable securitie and richt to him and his airis to bruik and injoy the samin fewfermes and uther dueteis of the saidis landis of Ardett and Drone ay and quhill the lauchfull redemptioun of the samin be payment of the said sowme of twentie thowsand merkis to the said Maister Alexander and his foirsaidis, and that nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir actis of parliament maid at ony tyme heirtofoir, quhilkis may awayes appeir to be hurtfull or prejudiciall to this present act, to the quhilkis actis this present act sall mak and makis full derogatioun, becaus this present act is maid for the saidis causes quhilkis ar tryit be oure soverane lord and the estaittis to be sene, proffitable and necessar causes for the weill of the realme. And the saidis estaittis decernis, declaris and ordinis this present act to be ane effectuall and sufficient reversioun to oure soverane lord and his majesteis successouris for redemptioun of the saidis fewfermes, customes, silver duetie, caynis and utheris dueteis of the saidis landis of Ardet and Drone fra the said Maister Alexander Hay and his foirsaidis be payment to thame of the said sowme of twentie thowsand merkis money foirsaid, siclyk and in the samin maner as gif thair wer ane severall and particular letter of reversioun maid, seallit and subscryvit be the said Maister Alexander for redemptioun thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.66r-v.
  2. 'P 44' written in margin beside heading.