2Ratification in favouris of James Hay of Kingask of his infeftment of the fewfermes of Grangemure etc.

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament presentlie convenit ratefeis and appreves the infeftment maid by James, commendatar of Melrose, to umquhile James Lumisdene of Ardrie and his airis and assignais of the fewfermes of the landis of Grange and Grangemure, lyand within the schirefdome of Edinburgh and constabularie of Hadingtoun, quhilkis fewfermes now belang heretablie to James Hay of Kingask be alienatioun and dispositioun of the samin maid unto him be Robert Lummisden, now of Ardrie, brother and air to the said umquhile James Lummisden. And his majestie and estaittis declaris that the said infeftment sall be gude, valide and sufficient to the said James Hay and his airis for injoying, bruiking and possessing of the fewfermes of the landis abonespecefeit in all tyme heireftir.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.66r.
  2. 'P 42' written in margin beside heading.