2Act in favouris of the senatouris of the college of justice and memberis of the samyn

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of his estaittis in parliament, hes ratefeit, approvin and confermit and be thir presentis ratefeis, appreves and confermis all and quhatsumevir privileges, liberteis and immuniteis grantit of befoir be his majestie and his maist nobill progenitouris to the chancellar and lordis of his counsaill, sessioun and college of justice, baith spirituall and temporall, and to the haill remanent memberis of the said college of justice for mantenance of thame in thair persones, honouris, digniteis and richtis and for bruiking of thair landis, rentis, benefices, pensiounes, thriddis and contributionis of all prelaceis and thair uther richtis in sic forme as is contenit in the first erectioun of the said college, and as they and thair predecessouris hes bruikit and possessit sensyne and presentlie bruikis and possesses conforme to the dispositionis and ratificatiounes thairof in parliament or ony uther actis, lawes, statutis and dispositionis maid be his majestie or his predecessouris in favouris of the saidis lordis of counsaill and sessioun, college of justice and particular memberis and persones thairof in all pointis; and specialie oure soverane lord and his saidis estaitis ratifeis and appreves the gift and richt maid to the saidis lordis of counsaill and sessioun of the superplus of the quottis of testamentis by the ordinar feis and allowances grantit to the saidis lordis be his majestie for thair better residence and administratioun of justice, and of thair richt of presentatioun to oure soverane lord of persones to the offices of quhatsumevir commissarie or thair memberis vacand, with all utheris richtis grantit to thame of befoir thairanent. And siclyk oure soverane lord, with advyse of his estaittis, be thir presentis, ratefeis, appreves and confermis the commissioun and injunctionis, togidder with the haill jurisdictioun and all and quhatsumevir privileges, liberteis and immuniteis and utheris richtis grantit be his majestie and his predecessouris to the commissioneris of Edinburgh and thair memberis in sic forme as the samin is contenit in the commissioun and injunctionis gevin to thame in the first erectioun, as the said commissioun and injunctionis in thame selffis at lenth beiris, and as the saidis commissioneris and thair memberis presentlie bruikis and possesses the samin conforme to thair provisionis in all pointis, nochtwithstanding of quhatsumevir actis, statutis and constitutionis maid, or to be maid, in this present parliament or ony uther parliament preceding or to cum quhilkis may appeir to derogat the samin.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.63v.
  2. 'V 38' written in margin beside heading.