2Act in favouris of the burgh of Irving

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, understanding the great hurte and skaith sustenit be the burgh of Irving and inhabitantis thairof, being his majesteis frie burgh regall of great ancietie and underlying all burdingis as ane of that estait, throw the great incresce of unfrie trafiqueris duelling within the boundis of the libertie thairof, beiring na burding, be keiping oppin buithis, sailing out of this cuntrey with schippis and barkis as gif they wer frie comburgesses and to the prejudice of oure soverane lordis customes, thairfoir statutis and ordanis that na persone duelland within the boundis of the libertie of the said burgh nocht being burgesses and frie men thairof use ony privilege or libertie belanging to thame in keiping oppin buithis with merchandice, sailling and traffiquing out or in this cuntrey with the samin with thair barkis and schippis as friemen, or in trubilling or molesting of thame in bruiking and useing of thair liberteis and privileges conforme to thair awld infeftmentis in ony sorte, and that lettres be direct heirupoun on ane simple charge of ten dayes.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.63r.
  2. '36 P' written in margin beside heading.