2Act in favouris of the burgh of Aberdene anent the ratificatioun of thair chartour

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, be the tennour heirof, ratefeis, appreves and perpetualie confermis the chartour maid and grantit under his hienes great seall to the burgh of Aberdene, provest, bailleis, counsaill and communitie thairof and thair successouris, off all and sindrie thair commoun landis pertening to the said burgh, mylnis, small customes, salmond fischeingis, liberteis, privileges, immuniteis and utheris quhatsumevir generalie and specialie comprehendit and contenit in the foirsaid chartour in all and sindrie pointis, heidis, articlis, clauses, circumstances and conditionis thairof, as the foirsaid chartour of the date at Falkland, the fourtene day of August the yeir of God jM vjC and ane yeiris, in the self at mair lenth proportis, with the precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun, and willis that this present ratificatioun and confirmatioun is and sall be of also great strenth, force and effect as gif the samin chartour, precept and instrument of seasing wer word be word heirin ingrossit, quhairanent oure said soverane, with advyse foirsaid, for now and evir be thir presentis, dispenses; and als oure said soverane, with advyse foirsaid, findis, decernis and declaris the foirsaid chartour, precept and instrument of seasing following thairupoun to be ane gude, valide and perfyte richt to the provest, baillies, counsaill and communitie of the said burgh of Aberdene and thair successouris for bruiking and joising of all and sindrie landis, mylnis, fischeingis, salmond fisches, privileges, liberteis and immuniteis and utheris quhatsumevir generalie and specialie comprehendit and expressit in the samin chartour, for payment of the yeirlie duetie thairin contenit; and, gif neid beis, oure said soverane and estaittis foirsaidis ordanis ane new infeftment to be maid, grantit and gewin to the said burgh of Aberdene, provest, bailleis, counsaill and communitie thairof, aggreable word be word with the said chartour, for the quhilk new infeftment this present act sall be ane sufficient warrand.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.62v-63r.
  2. 'P 34' written in margin beside heading.