2Act in favouris of the burgh of Edinburgh

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament, calling to mynd the great charges and expenses quhairwith the burgh of Edinburgh, burgesses and inhabitantis thairof ar burdenit in sustening of the ministrie of the said burgh, thair being na pairt of the thriddis of benefices assignit to thame for thair sustentatioun and intertenying of the colleges, hospitallis and pure of the samin burgh; and that for releif of ane pairt of the saidis charges and expenses, his hienes umquhile darrest mother eftir hir perfyte age, and oure said soverane at diverse tymes, gaif, dotit, mortefeit and disponit to the provest, bailleis, counsaill and communitie of the said burgh, for sustentatioun of thair said ministrie and intertenying of thair college, hospitallis and pure sindrie landis, annualrentis, tenementis, provestreis, alterages, benefices and utheris fruittis and rentis generalie and specialie comprehendit and exprest in sindrie giftis, mortificatiounis, infeftmentis, actis of parliament and utheris richtis and securiteis maid to the saidis provest, bailleis, counsaill and communitie for sustening and intertenying of thair said ministrie, college and hospitallis, and being cairfull that the foirsaidis godlie, necessar and profitable workis decay nocht for laik of expenses, oure said soverane lord, with advyse of the estaittis of this present parliament, hes ratefeit, approvin and confermit, and be the tennour heirof, for his hienes and his successouris, ratefeis, appreves and perpetualie confermes all and sindrie giftis, mortificationis, infeftmentis, utheris securiteis and richtis quhatsumevir maid, gevin, grantit and disponit be oure said soverane lord, his umquhile darrest mother or be his hienes self at ony tyme befoir the date heirof, to the saidis provest, bailleis, counsaill and communitie of the said burgh of Edinburgh and thair successouris of quhatsumevir landis, annualrentis, tenementis, teyndis, provestries, prebendareis, alterages or utheris benefices, teyndis, rentis and emolumentis, togidder with all and sindrie actis of parliament maid in favouris of the said burgh, provest, bailleis, counsaill and comunitie thairof, ministrie, college and hospitallis within the samin, in all and sindrie heidis, pointis, articlis, clauses, circumstances and conditionis thairof; lyk as oure said soverane lord, with advyse foirsaid, findis, decernis and declaris the foirsaidis giftis, mortificationis, infeftmentis, actis of parliament and utheris richtis and securiteis maid, gevin and grantit to the saidis provest, bailleis, counsaill and communitie of the said burgh and thair successouris and in thair favouris, to be gude, valide, lauchfull and sufficient richtis for thame and thair successouris for bruiking and joising of all and sindrie landis, tenementis, annualrentis, teyndis, benefices, provestreis, prebendareis, chaplanreis, alterages, fruittis, rentis and emolumentis quhatsumevir, alsweill generally as speciallie comprehendit and contenit in the foirsaidis giftis, mortificationis, actis of parliament or ony of thame, and that the samin sall remane and abyd in thair awin full strenth, force and effect and nawayes to be tane away, hurte nor prejudgeit in ony sorte, nochtwithstanding quhatsumevir act or statute maid in this present parliament, with speciall provisioun that thair be ane ressonable and sufficient stipend modefeit be George, archibischop of Sanctandrous, Maister Johne Prestoun of Pennycuk, collectour, and Schir Johne Skene of Curryhill, knycht, clerk of register, (or be ony twa of thame, the said Archibischop of Sanctandrous being alwayes ane) to the present minister at Currie, for him self and to his successouris ministeris thairat, to be payit thankfullie to thame yeirlie in all tyme cumming be the towne of Edinburgh. The quhilkis thrie persones being all present in parliament, acceptit the modificatioun of the said ministeris stipend at the said kirk of Curry in and upoun thame, to be payit to the present minister and to his successouris ministeris thairat yeirlie in all tyme cumming abonespecefeit.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.62r.
  2. 'P 31' written in margin beside heading.