2Erectioun of the kirk of Prestoun

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, considering that the inhabitantis of Prestoun and Prestounpannis, sumtyme within the parochin of Tranent, at the leist haveing the benefite of the kirk thair, can nocht resorte to the said kirk of Tranent seing the samin kirk may nocht contene the foirsaidis inhabitantis of Prestoun and Prestounpannis, they being ane great number of persones and daylie incresces ma and ma; as alsua that the said kirk of Tranent is sa far distant frome the saidis inhabitantis of Prestoun and Prestounpannis, and that thair is be the lauborres, paynis and expenses of umquhile Maister Johne Davidsoun, minister, ane sufficient kirk buldit with ane manse to ane minister in Prestounpannis; and siclyk considering that thair is ane gleib provydit to the said kirk be George Hammyltoun of Prestoun of his awin propir heritage, as alsua that the said umquhile Maister Johne Davidsoun hes foundit in Prestounpannis ane schole for teiching of Latine, Grek and Hebrew towngis and language, and for instructing of youth in vertue and learning, and that he hes dotit to the samin his heretage and all his moveable and frie gudis for ane perpetuall stipend to the maisteris at the said schole; thairfoir the saidis estaite creattis and erectis the said kirk buildit in Prestounpannis in ane paroche kirk, to be callit now, and in all tyme cumming, the paroch kirk of Prestoun, and dismemberis the samin frome the said paroch kirk of Tranent and all utheris parochines; and geves and grantis to the said paroch kirk of Prestoun all privileges, liberteis, fredomes and immuniteis belanging to ony paroch kirk within this kingdome, and als ratefeis and appreves the erectioun and fundatioun of the said schole for teaching of the saidis Latine, Greik and Hebrew towngis and languages, and for instructing of youth in vertew and learning, foundit and erectit be the said umquhile Maister Johne Davidsoun, and all and quhatsumevir infeftmentis, giftis, donationis and mortificationis and all landis, rentis and leving gevin and dotit be the said laird of Prestoun and the said umquhile Maister Johne Davidsoun to the ministeris serveing the cure at the said kirk, and to the maister of the said schole and to thair successouris, with the supplement of all faultis and defectionis of the samin fundationis and richtis maid be the saidis laird of Prestoun and Maister Johne Davidsoun eftir the forme and tennour thairof, the quhilk generalitie the estaittis declaris to be als sufficient as gif the saidis fundationis, mortificationis and richtis wer heirin word be word contenit.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.61v.
  2. 'P 29' written in margin beside heading.