2Act in favouris of the tennentis of Casche

Forsamekle as the kingis majestie, for inlargeing the boundis of the park of Falkland, caused the fewaris of the towne of Casche renunce the ane half of thair landis to the effect the samyn micht be imparkit with the said Falkland Park, and his majestie, in recompense of thair lose, dischargeit unto thame heireftir in all tyme cumming all fewferme duetie or quhatsumevir uther thing addebtit be thame for the remnant of thair landis nocht imparkit bot remaning still in thair possessioun; thairfoir oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament convenit ratefeis and appreves the said recompanse gevin to these tennentis and fewaris of Casche for thair lose of the imparking of thair saidis landis, and declaris that everie ane of the saidis tennentis in all tyme heireftir, thair airis and successouris, sall bruik and injoy that remnant of thair landis left unto thame in frie blenche for payment of ane penny, gif it be requirit, and ordinis his majesteis thesaurar and utheris officiaris to ressave or exchange tennentis of the saidis landis in that samin forme of blenche halding, quhilk sall be sufficient and valide richt and securitie to the saidis tennentis, nochtwithstanding that the saidis landis hes bene formerllie of the propirtie and set in fewferme for payment of ane duetie thairfoir, and that the samin blenche infeftmentis grantit to the saidis tennentis sall be alsua valiable to the saidis tennentis as gif the samin wer of na pairt of his majesteis annexit propirtie.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.60r-v.
  2. '24 P' written in margin beside heading.