2Act for staying of all unlauchfull conventionis within burgh and for assisting of the magistrattis in the executioun of thair offices

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament ratefeis and appreves all and quhatsumevir actis maid heirtofoir be his majestie and his hienes progenitouris and the estaittis of the realme for staying of all tumultis and unlauchfull meitingis and convocationis within burgh, and ordinis the samin to have effect and to be put to dew executioun aganis the controvenaris thairof in all pointis, with this additioun: that na persone nor persones within burgh, of quhatsumevir rank, qualitie or conditioun they be of, presume or tak upoun hand fra this furth, under quhatsumevir collour or pretext, to convocat or assemble thame selffis togidder at ony occasioun, except they mak dew intimatioun of the lauchfull causes of thair meittingis to the provest and bailleis of that burgh, and obtene thair licence thairto sua that nathing be done or attemptit be thame in thair saidis meitingis quhilkis may tend to the derogatioun or violatioun of the actis of parliament, lawis and constitutionis maid for the weill and quietnes of the saidis burghis, declaring be thir presentis the saidis unlauchfull meittingis and the persones present thairat to be factious and seditious and all procedingis thairin to be null and of nane availl, and the saidis persones to be punischit in thair bodeis, gudis and geir with all rigour conforme to the lawes of this realme. And to the effect the saidis unlauchfull meitingis, with all utheris tumultis, trublances and pleyis that salhappin to fall out within the saidis burrowes, may be substantiouslie suppressit, ordanis the haill inhabitantis of the saidis burrowes at all occasiones to reddelie assist and concur with the magistratis and officiaris thairof for satling of the saidis tumultis and trublances and punischeing of the authouris and movearis thairof; and sic as sall nocht assist and concur with the saidis magistratis redelie or thair officiaris for redding and satling of the saidis tumultis and trublances as said is, sall be repute and haldin as fosteraris and mantenaris of the saidis tumultis and punischit thairfoir in thair persones and unlawit in thair guidis at the arbitriment of the magistrattis and counsaill of the said burgh; and ordinis publicatioun to be maid heirof at the marcat croces of the saidis burrowes that nane pretendand ignorance thairof.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.53v.
  2. 'V 16' written in margin beside heading.