2Anent auld decreittis of ejectioun and spulzie in the bordouris

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of this present parliament, being cairfull that the satled and peciable estait happelie begun in those pairtes of this countrey quhilkis wer the lait bordouris foiranent England may be so manteyned, as all occasionis of disturbans thairof may be providentlie foirsene and convenientlie remedeit, and understanding that nathing is mair hable to bring diverse of the inhabitantis of the saidis lait bordouris to disperat courses and turbulent enterpryses than the rigorous executioun of auld decreittis obteined aganis thame or thair predecessouris tuentie yeiris befoir his majesteis happie successioun to his crowne of England, specialie quhair the saidis decreittis of thair awin nature may bring the danger of the yeirlie violent proffeittis upoun the persones aganis quhome the saidis decreittis wer obtened, and thairby surmounting often tymes thair haill valient, gif they be put to extreme executioun will gif the pairty occasioun of suche dispair as may induce thame to attempt so dangerous remedyes as may disturb the generall quietnes and renew or begin hotte and bloody feedes amongis the pairteis; for remede quhairof, and to the effect suche auld decreittis of ejectioun or removeing as wer obteyned tuentie yeiris befoir his majesteis comming to the crowne of England, and na executioun socht and obteyned thairupoun during the said space of tuentie yeiris preceding his majesteis obtening of the crowne of England, may nocht urge and dryve to dispair and miserie such as have these thrie yeiris bigane conteyned thameselffis in all dewtifull obedience to his majesteis authoritie and lawes, thairfoir, his majestie and estaittis foirsaidis statute and ordane that all suche decreittis of ejectioun and removeing and all effect and executioun that ony way may follow thairupoun sall cease and in tyme cumming be voyde, except for obteyning possessioun to the pairteis in quhais favouris the saidis decreittis wes pronunced of the landis thairin contened and payment to thame of the ordinar proffeittis quhilkis the saidis landis have payit to the persones aganis quhome the saidis decreittis wes gewin of the yeiris since his majesteis going to England alanerlie, and of na utheris yeiris preceding the samyn; with special provisioun that incais the persones aganis quhome the foirsaidis decreittis of removeing or ejectioun wes gewin salhappin heireftir to be lauchfullie denuncit rebellis and put to the horne for nocht obedience of the foirsaidis decreittis, they being first chargeit eftir the day and date heirof be all the charges conteyned in the lettres rasit or to be rasit upoun the saidis decreittis to obey the samin, in that caise the saidis estaittis of parliament declaris that the persones obtenaris of the foirsaidis decreittis sall have sufficient actioun aganis the persones defendaris specefeit in the saidis decreittis for the violent proffeittis of the landis mentionat thairintill continewallie sen the obteyning of the foirsaidis decreittis as accordis of the law, nochtwithstanding of this present act.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r-v.
  2. 'V 8' written in margin beside heading.