2Anent teynding of cornes

It is statute and ordanit be oure soverane lord and estaittis in parliament that in tyme cumming in all teynding of cornes, that the samyn be teindit at thrie severall tymes everie yeir gif the awneris of the cornes sall think it expedient, to wit: the croft infeild corne at ane tyme, the beir at ane uther tyme, and the outfeild corne at the thrid tyme; and declaris that fyftene dayes eftir the compleit scheiring of ilk sorte of cornes being outrun, that it sal be lesum to the awneris at the said fyftene dayes end to mak requisitioun upoun sewin dayes to gif thame thankfull teynding, and gif the awneris get nocht thankfull teynding at the expyring of the saidis sewin dayes, the saidis estaittis declaris that it sall be lauchfull to the awneris of the saidis cornes to teynd and stak the samin thameselffis conforme to the act of parliament maid of befoir anent teynding of cornes in all pointis, and sall incurre na danger thairthrow.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.52r.
  2. 'V 7' written in margin beside heading.