Legislation: private act
2Act anent the restitutioun of Maister Thomas Cranstoun

Oure soverane lord, haveing consideratioun of the great trublis and unquietnes befoir passit within his hienes realme of Scotland and sindrie grudges resulting amongis his loving subjectis for the foirfaltit landis, benefices, rowmes and possessionis fallin in his majesteis handis be diverse sentences and domes of foirfaltour, and to the effect that his hienes haill subjectis be brocht to ane perfyte unioun and conformitie in his majesteis service, but ony grudge heireftir to follow amongis thame for ony [occasioun]3 bipast, be his hienes lettres of rehabilitatioun and restitutioun under his great seall, grantit the benefite of restitutioun to his hienes lovit Maister Thomas Cranstoun of Morestoun and Johne Cranstoun, his brother germane, restorand thame to thair lyffes, landis, gudis moveable and unmoveable quhatsumevir pertening to thame befoir thair foirfaltour, and siclyk rehabilitand the saidis Maister Thomas Cranstoun and Johne, his brother, and thair posteritie to all and quhatsumevir honouris, digniteis, richtis of successioun and utheris privileges quhatsumevir competent to thame be quhatsumevir maner of way befoir the said foirfaltour, makand and constituand thame to be hable to bruik and joise quhatsumevir landis, heretages, benefices, rowmes and possessionis pertenyng to thame of befoir, and to beir honouris and stand in judgement and abill to bruik digniteis and offices in the samyn maner as they micht have done befoir the said foirfaltour, declarand thairinto that the said restitutioun suld be also sufficient as gif the samin wer ratefeit in parliament, with ane express promeis of his majestie in verbo principis to ratefie the samin in his hienes nixt parliament, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said letter of rehabilitatioun and restitutioun of the date the [...] day of [...] the yeir of God jM yeiris. And now his majestie, following his naturall clemencie, for the better effectuating of his said hienes promeis and quieting of all grudges within his said hienes realme, hes abolischit, obliterat and tane away frome the ground all and quhatsumevir processes and domes of foirfaltour led and deducit in his hienes parliamentis, justice courtis or generall counsaillis at ony tyme preceding the date heirof, quhairby the saidis Maister Thomas and Johne, his brother, wes convict and foirfaltit for ony crymes of treassoun or utheris crymes quhatsumevir mentionat in the said foirfaltour, and willis and declaris that the memorie, actis and monumentis of the saidis crymes sall be lykwayes alluterlie extinguischit, abolischit and tane away sua that it sall nocht be lesum to ony persones within this realme to ground ather actioun or exceptioun thairupoun, in judgement nor outwith, at ony tyme heireftir or utherwayes to object the samin aganis the said Maister Thomas, John, his brother, or thair posteritie, as gif the samin foirfaltouris had nevir bene, nor the saidis crymes committit quhairupoun the saidis foirfaltouris procedit; and ordinis the said restitutioun to be also effectuall to the said Maister Thomas, John, his brother, and thair posteritie for the full restoring and redintegrating of thame to thair saidis landis, leving, benefices, rentis, rowmes and possessionis quhatsumevir, as ony restitutioun that hes bene grantit of befoir to ony of his majesteis subjectis quhatsumevir, ather be the ordinar way of reductioun, pairteis comperand or quhatsumevir uther restitutioun maid at Perth in the moneth of Februar jM vC threscoir tuelf yeiris, and in the moneth of Aprile thaireftir, ratefeit in his hienes parliament haldin at Halyrudhous, or be the act of ratificatioun maid in his hienes parliament haldin at Lynlythqw in the moneth of December jM vC fourscoir fyve yeiris, or be the act of abolitioun maid in his majesteis parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the tuentie nynt day of Julii jM vC fourscoir sewin yeiris, and willis that the haill clauses and conditionis contenit in all the saidis actis be extendit in favouris of the said Maister Thomas, Johne, his brother, and thair posteritie maist largelie with all privileges and immuniteis thairin mentionat, restoring the saidis persones fullelie aganis all and quhatsumevir sentences and decretis, giftis and dispositionis of thair landis, benefices, rowmes and possessionis grantit be his hienes to ony persones proceding upoun the said foirfaltour, quhilkis be thir presentis, with the saidis giftis and all that hes followit thairupoun, ar declarit null, of na force nor effect in all tyme cumming; and ordinis lettres to be direct in favouris of the said Maister Thomas, Johne, his brother, and thair airis in forme as efferis aganis all and quhatsumevir possessouris of the said Maister Thomas and Johne, thair landis, leving, benefices, takkis, stedingis, rowmes and possessionis quhatsumevir pertening to thame and quhairof they wer in possessioune befoir the said foirfaltour, and repossessing and restoring of thame and thair saidis airis thairto in maist ampill forme, and ordinis utheris lettres, gif neid beis, to be direct upoun the premisse in forme as efferis.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.45r-v.
  2. '9 P' written in margin beside heading.
  3. APS interpolation.