2Commissioun anent the ranking of the nobilmen

The kingis majestie and estaittis in parliament, considering the frequent contentionis and debaittis that fallis out betuix nobilmen at the parliamentis and generall conventionis anent the priourie in places and voting, for removeing of all sic occasionis of controverseis and eelestis heireftir, hes gevin and grantit commissioun to the lordis of his hienes secret counsaill, thair being present for the tyme sex of thair number quha ar erlis and lordis, to convene in Halyrudhous, the tuelf day of Februar nixttocum, and thair to determine and conclude anent the priourie of the place of everie nobilman within this realme. And incaice of the comperance of ony nobilmen or ony in thair name to produce thair infeftment and evidentis for instructing of the saidis commissioneris, that they sall ressave the samyn and heir the allegatiounes of all pairteis comperand, and gif furth thair determinatioun according to justice as they will answer to God and his majestie upoun the discharge of thair offices. And quhatevir beis determinat be thame it is declarit that the samin sall have als great strenth, faith, force and effect as gif it wer concludit in this present parliament. And thairfoir it is appointit, to the effect that nane of the said nobilitie sall think thame selffis heirby prejudgeit be the ignorance of this present commissioun, that thir presentis be dewlie publissit at the heid mercat croces of this realme and utheris places neidfull that betuix and the said day appointit in the said commissioun they may ather be thame selffis or utheris in thair names produce sic testefeis of thair antiquiteis as may informe the saidis commissionaris; with certificatioun that eftir the expyring of the said day the saidis commissioneris, nochtwithstanding of thair absence, sall procede and gif furth thair declaratour alsweill anent the presentis as absentis under the penaltie abone specefeit.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f. 29v.
  2. 'P' is written in margin beside heading.