2Act in favouris of the Duik of Lennox anent the thriddis of Sanctandrois

Oure soverane lord and estaittis of parliament statutis and ordinis that na thriddis of the priourie of Sanctandrois be assignit at ony tyme heireftir in favouris of ony uther ministeris except onlie the ministeris servand the cure of the kirkis belanging to the samyn quhair the assignatioun is maid, to the effect Ludovik, duik of Lennox, priour of Sanctandrois, be nocht haldin nor burdenit to sustene ony uther ministeris nor servis the kirkis of the said prelacie, annulling ony quhatsumevir assignatioun maid to ony minister nocht of the priourie; and that becaus thair is yit unprovydit certane of the kirkis of the priourie of Sanctandrous nocht provydit, quhilkis kirkis his majestie and estaittis decernis and ordanis the said Lodovik, duik of Lennox to plant and provyd with sufficient stipendis.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.29r.
  2. 'P' is written in margin beside heading.