2Anent the mariage of adulterous personis

Oure soverane lord, with advyse of the estaittis of this present, parliament decernis all mariages to be contractit heireftir be ony persones divorceit for thair awin cryme and fact of adulterie frome thair lauchfull spouses with the persones with quhome they ar declarit be sentence of the ordinar judge to have committit the said cryme and fact of adulterie, to be in all tyme cumming null and unlauchfull in tham selfis and the succession to be gottin be sic unlauchfull conjunctionis to be unhabill to succede as airis to thair saidis parentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.22r-v.
  2. 'V' written in margin beside heading.