2Ratificatioun of the act anent Jesuittis, preistis excommunicat and traffiqing papistis

Oure soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estaittis of this present parliament, ratefeis, apprevis and confermis the act maid in the secrete counsaill at Sanct Johnestoun, the first of Aprile 1600 yeiris, anent the Jesuitis, seminarie preistis, excommunicat and tryit traffiquing papistis, quhairof the tennour followis: Forsamekle as be diverse actis and proclamatiounes maid and publissit heirtofoir all Jesuitis, seminarie preistis, excommunicat and tryit traffiquing papistis, commoun enemeis to all Christiane governament, ar specialie commandit to depairt and pas furth of this realme under certane panis mentionat in the samyn actis, the nocht executioun quhairof hes producit sic ane contempt and misregaird of the saidis actis that the ressait and traffiquing of the saidis Jesuittis and seminarie preistis is verie frequent in sindrie pairtis of this realme, quhairthrow great numberis of ignorant and simple people ar seducit be thame to declyne frome the trew and Cristiane religioun to the offence and displesure of God; for remede quhairof, it is statute and ordinit be his majestie and lordis of his secrete counsaill that quhatsumevir Jesuitis, seminarie preistis, excommunicat and tryit traffiquing papistis presentlie being within this realme, or that salhappin to be within the samin, sall immediatlie eftir thair delatioun to his majestie be takin and apprehendit be the ordinar magistratis of the boundis quhair they resorte and committit to waird ay and quhill they be convertit to the religioun, removit and put of the cuntrey or ellis punischit according to the tennour of the saidis actis, sua that alwayes the benefite of the act of parliament granting to uther papistis the space of fourtie dayes to satisfie the kirk or remove of the cuntrey sall be nawayes extendit to thame. And becaus the ressait quhilk they have fundin in diverse pairtis of the cuntrey hes gevin thame the boldnes sa awowitlie to conteme his majestie and his lawes, that thairfoir sic persones as sall be gevin up be the presbiteris or sessioun of the kirk to be the ressaiteris and huirderis of thame sall be chargeit under sic pecuniall panis as sall be modefeit be his majestie and lordis of secrete counsaill nocht to ressait thame heireftir, with this additioun: that his majestie and estaittis of parliament declaris that everie erle that salhappin to ressait ony sall pay ane thowsand pundis; everie lord, ane thowsand merkis; everie baroun, fyve hundreth pundis; everie friehalder, thrie hundreth merkis; everie yeman, fourtie pundis; and everie burges according to the modificatioun of the kingis majestie and lordis of secrete counsaill, the pane alwayes nocht excedand the sowme of ane hundreth pundis; quhilkis panis the saidis estaittis hes ordanit oure soverane lordis thesaurar to exact withall extremitie aganis the contravenaris heirof and to intromett thairwith to his hienes use.

  1. NAS, PA2/16, f.21v-22r.
  2. 'V' written in margin beside heading.