The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
2Act of annexatioun of the foirfaltit landis and utheris to the crowne
Forsamekle as it is cleirlie understand be the kingis majestie and estaittis of this realme that the augmentatioun of the patrimonie and revenues of the crowne thairof nocht only serves for the furthsetting and mantenance of his hienes honour and royall estait bot also releiffis greatlie his subjectis of diverse charges and heavie burdingis, thairfoir oure said soverane lord, following the commendabill exampill of his maist nobill progenitouris, with advyse and consent of his majesties estaitis, unitis, annexis and incorporatis to his hienes crowne, thairwith to remane perpetuallie and inseparablie in all tyme cumming, the landis, lordschippis, baroneis, abbacie and utheris underwritten quhilkis may nather be gevin in franctenement, fie or utherwayes, to ony persone of quhatsumevir3 estait or degrie without advyse, decrete and delyverance of the haill parliament; and for great, ressonable, proffitable and sene causes concerning the weil fair of the realme, first to be advysit and digestlie considerit be the haill estaittis; and albeit it sall happin oure said soverane lord that now is, or ony of his successouris kingis of Scotland, to annalie or dispone the saidis landis, lordschippis, baroneis, abbacie or utheris underwritten with thair pertinentis, presentlie annexit to the crowne as said is, or ony part thairof, that the said alienationis sall be null and of nane availl and that it sall be lesum to the king for the tyme or his successouris to ressave the saidis landis, levingis, abbacie and utheris foirsaidis with the pertinentis to thair awin use quhan evir it sall pleis thame but ony proces of law, and the taker sall refound and pay all proffeittis that thai have takin up of the saidis landis and utheris foirsaidis to the king for all the tyme that they have had thaime, with sic utheris restrictionis as is contenit in the actis of parliament maid be his majestie and his maist nobill progenitouris, kingis of Scotland, in thair annexatiounes to the crowne and haill former actis of annexatioun, and all and sindrie articlis, provisionis and restrictionis thairin contenit ar haldin as repetit and specialie expressit and comprehendit in this present act. Thir ar the names of the landis and utheris with the pertinentis presentlie annexit to the crowne: all and haill the landis, erldome, lordschip and baronie of Gowrie and Scone; all and haill the landis, lordschip and baronie of Ruthven, Ballerno, Newtoun, Kowgask, Strathbrane, Glenschie and Trochrie; all and haill the landis, lordschippis, baroneis, teyndis, commoditeis and rentis quhilkis pertenit to the abbacie and monasterie of Scone with all and sindrie the landis, lordschippis, baronies, mylnis, multuris, schawes, woddis, parkis, fischeingis, townis, villages, burrowes of regalitie or baronie, tenementis, annualrentis, revisionis, customes, fewfermes, places, houses, biggingis, castellis, touris, maner places, outsettis, yairdis, orchardis, kirkis, teyndis, advocatioun, donatioun and richt of patronage of kirkis, hospitallis, chaplanreis and prebandareis, tenentis, tenendreis and service of frie tennentis, proffeitis, emolumentis, commoditeis and pertinentis quhatsumevir of the samin lordschippis, baroneis, landis, abbacie, benefices, patronages, teyndis and utheris particularlie abonementionat or ony pairt thairof; all and haill the tenement and ludgeing in Perth quhilk pertenit to umquhile Johne, erle of Gowrie, with the yairdis and utheris pertinentis pertening thairto, with all and sindrie utheris landis, lordschippis, baroneis, benefices, rentis and possessionis quhilkis ather pertenit to the said umquhile Johne, sumtyme erle of Gowrie, or to his predecessouris to quhome he wes air or apperant air or to quhilkis onywayis he micht have succedit or have had richt to or wes possest be him be the space of fyve yeiris befoir the committing of the crymes of treassoun, for the quhilkis his memorie and posteritie is foirfaltit and declarit unhabill and incapabill to bruik and posses landis, heretages, benefices, offices or utheris digniteis or commoditeis within this realme, and now pertening to oure said soverane lord and being in his hienes handis be ressoun foirsaid. Attour, oure said soverane lord, with advise foirsaid, suppressis and aboleischis the regaliteis and heretable offices pertening to the said umquhile Johne, erle of Gowrie or his predecessouris or quhilkis wer annexit to ony of the landis, lordschippis and utheris foirsaidis and unitis and incorporatis the samin to his hienes royaltie, thairwith inseperablie to remane in all tyme cumming, and ordinis his comptroller present and tocum to intromett with, uplift and dispone upoun the haill rentis, proffeittis and commoditeis of all and sindrie the lordschippis, baroneis, landis, teyndis, rentis, revenues, proffitteis, commoditeis and utheris quhatsumevir abone specefeit to his hienes propir use and intertenement of his hienes hous and uther honorable chargis belanging to the said office of the terme of [...]4 and in all tyme cumming. Finallie, oure said soverane lord, with advyse and consent foirsaid, unitis all and sindrie the landis, lordschippis, baroneis, benefices and utheris particularlie abone mentionat annexit to his hienes crowne as said is, to the said lordschip of Ruthven, now and in all tyme cumming to be callit the lordschip and stewartrie of Huntingtour, and the tennentis, inhabitantis and possessouris thairof to be ansrabill to his hienes stewart of the said lordschip, unitit as said is, with sic fredomes, privilegis and liberteis as ar onywayes competent to ony stewartrie of his hienes propirtie or to the tennentis and induellaris of ony of his hienes propir landis within the realme, exceptand alwayes and reservand furth of this annexatioun all and haill thrid pairt of the landis and baronie of Dirltoun, with the tour, fortilice, maner place thairof, Brakeynpark, Hiefield, Mensles and Menslesmuire, the town and landis of Dirltoun quhilkis wer apprysit be umquhile Maister Adame Ottirburne and redemit be umquhile Dame Jeane Halyburtoun, with mylnis, multuris, cunyngis, cuningeris, fischeingis, alsweill in salt watter as in the fresche, with the advocatioun and donatioun of the provestrie of Dirltoun, with the tennentis, tenandreis and service of frie tennentis of all and haill the landis and baronies of Dirltoun, with all the pertinentis thairof; the thrid pairt of the landis and baronie of Boltoun with mylnis, multuris, tennentis, tennandreis and service of frie tennentis of all and haill the saidis landis and baronie of Boltoun with the pertinentis; the thrid pairt of the landis and baronie of Hassindene and Haliburtoun, mylnis and multuris thairof, advocatioun and donatioun of the chaplanrie of Halyburtoun, with tennentis, tennendreis and service of frie tennentis of all and haill the landis and baronie of Halyburtoun with all the pertinentis; all and haill the superiouritie and tennendreis of the half landis and baronie of Ballegarnout with the pertinentis; all and haill the thrid pairt of the landis and baronie of Abernytie with the mylnis, multuris, mylnlandis, walkmylnis thairof, tennentis, tennendreis and service of frie tennentis of the samin; all and haill thrid part of the halflandis of Forgunduny with the mylnis, multuris, mylnlandis, tennentis, tennandreis and service of frie tennentis of the said halflandis and baronie, advocatioun and donatioun of the chaplanrie of Forgunduny with the pertinentis; all and haill the thrid pairt of the landis and baronie of Segie with mylnis, multuris, mylnlandis thairof, tennentis, tennendreis and service of frie tennentis of all and haill the landis and baronie of Segie, with all and sindrie partis, pendicles and pertinentis, annexis and connexis of all and sindrie the saidis landis and utheris respective abone writtin; quhilkis landis, baroneis and utheris respective abone specefeit ar ordanit be his majestie and estaittis to be disponit heretablie to his hienes familiar and domestiq servitour Schir Thomas Erskeyne of Gogar, knycht, for great, sene and ressonable causes of the realme and ar declarit nawayes to be comprehendit under this present annexatioun nor na clause nor conditioun thairof. As lykwayes exceptand and reserveand furth and fra the said annexatioun all and haill the landis and teyndis of Cowsland with all and sindrie thair pertinentis, quhilkis landis and teyndis with thair haill pertinentis ar lykwayes ordanit be his majestie and estaittis to be disponit heretablie to his hienes faythfull and trustie servitour Schir Hew Heres, knycht, for great, sene, profitable and necessar causes of the realme at lenth expressit in the said Schir Hewis infeftment and securitie of the saidis landis and teyndis grantit to him in this present parliament, quhilkis ar haldin as specialie expressit heirin, and siclyk exceptand and reservand furth of this present annexatioun the yeirlie pensioun of tuentie chalderis victuall thairof, ten chalderis, ten bollis beir, nyne chalderis and sex bollis meill tobe yeirlie uplifted and tane be the said Schir Hew Heres, his airis and assignais furth of the best and rediest payment of the haill fruittis, rentis, maill, fermes, canis, customes and utheris dueteis quhatsumevir of the landis and lordschip of Scone and Gowrie ay and quhill the infeftment of the landis and baronie of Cousland may tak full effect be possessioun in thair persones, ather be deceis of Dame Dorathie Stewart, countes of Gowrie, or be the evictioun of the samin landis and baronie of Cousland fra hir be the law, and howsone the said Schir Hew Heres or his foirsaidis sall happin to recover or injoy all and haill the saidis landis and baronie of Cousland and teyndis thairof that than the said letter of pensioun to remane with his hienes crowne for evir. As alsua exceptand and reservand furth and fra this present annexatioun all and haill the landis of Nather Leiff, teyndis, fewferme, harrage, careage and all utheris dueteis and service quhatsumevir addebtit to be payit furth of the samin of befoir to the erlis of Gowrie, or to the commendataris or convent of Scone or ather of thame; as als all and haill the towne and landis of Durdy Inglis, alias callit Nather Durdy, teyndis, fewfermes, harage, careage and all utheris dueties and service quhatsumevir addebtit to be payit furth of the samin of befoir to the saidis erlis of Gowrie or to the saidis commendataris and convent of Scone or ather of thame to the effect that his majestie may gif and dispone the said landis of Nather Leiff, teyndis, feufermes, hareage, carrage and all utheris dueteis of the samin to George Hay of Nather Leiff, his airis and assignais quhatsumevir heretablie or uther wayes, and the foirsaid towne and landis of Durdy Inglis, alias callit Nather Durdy, teyndis, fewfermes, hareage, carrage and all utheris dueteis thairof to Maister Petir Hay of Durdy, his airis and assignais quhatsumevir heretablie or utherwayes, in sic forme and maner as best sall pleis his majestie. Attoure, his majestie, with advise foirsaid, declaris and ordanis that this present annexatioun of the lordschip and abbacie of Scone to the crowne sall nawayes be hurtfull nor prejudiciall to the yeirlie pensioun of ten chalderis victuall grantit or to be grantit be his hienes to Maister Patrick Galloway furth thairof during all the dayes of his lyfetyme conforme to his gift of pensioun and speciall annexatioun thairof maid or to be maid to him thairupoun, quhilk his hienes, with advyse and consent foirsaid, ratefeis and appreves in all pointis and ordinis gif neid beis that the samin gift be at lenth insert in the buikis of parliament for the said Maister Patrick his better securitie, declaring that the said annexatioun sall nocht be effectuall bot sall be suspendit induring the lyfetyme of the said Maister Patrick insafar as concernis the saidis teyndis disponit or to be disponit to him in maner foirsaid. Allanerlie and siclyk exceptand and reservand furth of this present annexatioun of the erldome and leving of Gowrie to his hienes crowne, all and haill the landis of Craigtoun with the teyndis thairof and the teyndschaves of the landis and towne of Gouktoun, Rybnes, Segydene, Pitfendy, Nather Kynfawnis, Ouer Kynfawnis, Byn and Tullyhow, with thair pertinentis, lyand within the parochin of Kynfawnis, the teyndfische of the fischeingis of Cragtoun, Incherry, Fleiplace, Stobribnodeip, the Cruik and all utheris teynd fischeing pertening to the abbay of Scone fra the wod of Kynnoull to Incherry to the effect that oure soverane lord may gif and dispone the samin to Johne Lyndesay, alias Charteris, eldest sone and apperand air to Harrie Lyndesay, alias Charteris, fear of Kynfawnis, his airis and assignais, to be haldin of his hienes according to the conditioun and maner of halding as the samin wes haldin of befoir of the erlis of Gowrie or abbatis of Scone and for the samin self duetie quhilkis the saidis landis and teyndis wes in use to pay to the erlis of Gowrie or abbattis of Scone befoir the making of this present act.
- NAS, PA2/16, f.12v-13v.
- 'V' written in margin beside heading.
- 'quhatsumevir' repeated.
- Word unclear.